Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • According to Intel, you can notify Google that your Crosswalk 7 app is actually secure and avoid it being taken down. See:

    To be honest, why should we do this everytime we release our game under Crosswalk 7. It's kind of frustrating that our games have to rely on the oldest version of Crosswalk to maintain a decent framerate. Yes, exporting and signing is easier than CocoonJS, but the performance is what's killing everything.

  • I tried to notify Google about this issue according to Intel instruction, but they didnt accept.

    I will need to fix and upload my app using Crosswalk 10, there is no way.

    For sure my rating will go down.. terrible..

  • I'm calling ******** on the smoke and mirrors surrounding this issue for well over 3 months now... chromium introduced gpu-rasterization in the release that came out after the CW7 build, and the real reason CW7 is being quashed isn't because they're too lazy to fix or deal with it( there are 3 seperate divisions that could fix the problem as i understand it: google play,google chromium, or intel), but rather they're really bullish on the gpu rasterization, and that they (Google) doesn't want apps to disable it.

    this false- rev- stalling- fodder you've been feeding us is growing stale

  • Is there a particular reason that CW7 is preferred? I've compiled my game under the latest version of CW and it seems to run fine. A few random crashes every now and then though.

  • I've contacted Google, but the alert is still here.

    This is what I wrote (copied&pasted from Intel page):

    [quote:37jl19z8]This application uses the Crosswalk 7 WebView which is based off of Chromium 36.0.1985.144. This version of Chromium includes the Open SSL fixes found at ... 25d0b079c3


    The Chromium team did not rev the Open SSL identifier, so it still reports 1.0.1e as the Open SSL version. You can verify this in the commit log at ... sl.version

    You can find the Crosswalk commit that updates to Chromium 36.0.1985.144 at ... a3d9e68e05

    Thank you

    This is what they have replied:


    Thanks for contact Google Play Developer Support.

    To help protect your users, it’s important for you to update your app’s use of TLS/SSL. Apps with vulnerabilities that expose users to risk of compromise may be considered “dangerous products” and subject to removal from Google Play.

    For more information and examples on using TLS/SSL on Android, please go to: ... y-ssl.html

    Here are some common areas to look at when troubleshooting:

    • If your app trusted a certificate issued for an unrelated hostname for a connection, your app could be using an overly permissive HostnameVerifier or none at all.
    • If your app replaces the default TrustManager with one that doesn’t verify the chain of trust, your app could be trusting a certificate that wasn’t issued by a trusted certificate authority
    • If you are using a version of your app for debugging that has SSL disabled, it should be guarded using a DEBUG flag that is never turned on in a build published on Google Play.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions.



    Google Play Developer Support

    Did you know we offer chat support in English? Chat with us from Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm PT by going to ... #contact=1

    What can I do?

    Ashley and imaffett

    EDIT: After calling Google 2 times, contacting them via email 3 times, "marking the alert as current", "Dismissing" the alert, selecting "There's a mistake", the alert has gone, I have no problems anymore.

  • grigrizljac, I'm in the same situation..

  • Anyone here is using ajax with crosswalk?

    It seems to work only when i choose crosswalk version 7, all the new one are not responding to any requests.

  • Anyone here is using ajax with crosswalk?

    It seems to work only when i choose crosswalk version 7, all the new one are not responding to any requests.

    I'm using AJAX and building with Crosswalk 7. I don't have any problems. I haven't tried any other Crosswalk versions because the build fails.

  • Yeah well 7 works for me too, but it's from 8 months ago and i don't see any reports about it so it worries me a little.

  • No problems with Ajax here on XDK 1995, CW12. All works fine.

  • Same here

    No problems at all with AJAX on XDK 1995 and CW12

  • Thanks for responding guys, not sure why it only works with ver 7 here, but at least i know it's something wrong with my project and not XDK, so i am relaxed

  • I'm still seeing the OpenSSL alert. I've contacted Google again (about a week ago), but they haven't responded. What can I do? I don't want for Square Eater to be deleted on 7th July

    I can't build with CW newer than 7 because the build fails.

    EDIT: After calling Google 2 times, contacting them via email 3 times, "marking the alert as current", "Dismissing" the alert, selecting "There's a mistake", the alert has gone, I have no problems anymore.

  • imaffett IntelRobert

    Any news about expansion files? There was some news long time ago and it all went dark since then.

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  • Does anyone know if on Intel XDK the project name can have numbers (0, 1, 2, etc...)?


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