Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Anyone here is using ajax with crosswalk?

    It seems to work only when i choose crosswalk version 7, all the new one are not responding to any requests.

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  • It's not a preview, i am exporting to html and running locally, the server side hasn't change since i started the project and it works good up until version 204, can't you think of something you've changed that might have caused this?

  • Cool, glad i could help.

  • It's just a local http server, it worked fine for the last 2 years, and it is fine on version 200 with the server.

    I am trying other betas now between 200-204, to see when exactly it went wrong.

    So far on 202 it works fine too.

    203 is also working fine.


    Ok, The problem starts with version 204.

    It looks like the loading screen (built in, not loader layout) is stuck for a few seconds, then i get a couple of

    Error loading image 'http://localhost:8016/main204/images/house-sheet0.png': Event {clipboardData: undefined, path: NodeList[1], cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: img…} c2runtime.js:104

    GET http://localhost:8016/main204/images/town-sheet0.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED :8016/main204/images/town-sheet0.png:1

    Error loading image 'http://localhost:8016/main204/images/town-sheet0.png': Event {clipboardData: undefined, path: NodeList[1], cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: img…} c2runtime.js:104

    GET http://localhost:8016/main204/images/mytown-sheet0.png net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED :8016/main204/images/mytown-sheet0.png:1

    Error loading image 'http://localhost:8016/main204/images/mytown-sheet0.png': Event {clipboardData: undefined, path: NodeList[1], cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: img…}

    then it continues loading but the bar turns red and never finishes.

  • Some unofficial webGL effects may cause black screens, do you have anything special effects on your objects/layers?

  • Problem Description

    I have a local python server that serves a local directory to localhost port 9000 and i run my projects locally with chrome.

    This problem start after ver 200, projects are not loading when access them the first time, show missing images files in browser console and a red bar, though they exist, when pressing F5 to refresh they load fine.

    Attach a Capx

    This happens with all projects, on C2 ver 205 and i also tested on ver 204.2, reverting back to ver 200 everything works fine.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 sp 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    tested on version 204.2 and 205

  • I've had some issues with shaders not working properly after sprite-sheeting, try setting downscaling to LOW on the project properties, see if it has any effect.

  • Well i found whats causing this, but i am not sure why, i have a round 250px sprite in the layer behind it with radial blur on it, it seems like the tile is being drawn onto the blur effect.

    I switched to radial blur plus and it doesn't happen, so i guess it was a bug with the blur and not the dissolve, cheers!

  • Somebody

    I am getting strange spills using the dissolve effect, the strangest thing is that it stays on the screen even when i restart or switch to another layout, do you have idea why this happens?


  • You can use a dictionary instead, it's global and you'll have an easier time managing it, then you can save it as json and load it again.

    If you insist on using a var, you can use "token", which are separators inside the string:

    var score = "43412,43245,12354,12543";



    will send you back the first score in the string, 0 is a loopindex number for each token in the string, level1=0, level2=1, level3=2, etc.

  • Put it all under "for each" condition.

  • Try setting X to self.x-128 instead.

  • Great, thanks a lot!!!

  • Oh i see my problem now, it sorts the fields by value, I thought from the description that it was to sort the list by fields.





    Is this possible?

  • Hi, very cool plugin, saved me a lot of messing around with arrays and dictionaries, great work!

    I am having problems getting "Sort List" to work on my table, is this action not fully working yet?

    I am asking because I noticed it is not documented in the example capx.