EyeHawk's Forum Posts

  • jwjb, just also took a look at your Udacity links above. Wow! I'm blown away by the sheer volume of rich information available to us! I'm enrolling in the "How to Build a Startup" one right away:


    Thanks for the tips! :)

  • jwjb, thanks for the link, I've bookmarked for further viewing. There's one on AI which I would be interested in picking up. The only problem so far is finding the time to do all of these cool things! :)

    Hey have you seen anything similar that covers 2D Game Art? I'd love to find something like that (which is also free).

  • Schoening - I was referring to a javascript carousel that you normally see on a website which has a number of preview windows for you to pick from (e.g. www.fonterra.com)

  • Lol, Star Crash looks hilarious - might have to watch the whole thing one day :) It might be a bit of an unfair comparison tho haha! Unity 3D might not be as good as the latest Unreal engine, but it's probably a lot cheaper and accessible. There have been some amazing games done on it, and I'm aware of a few commercial game releases on steam using it. Also it is possible to create mobile releases on it.

  • Hi artistgirlforeve, welcome to the C2 forums :)

    Actually your requirements are pretty straightforward.

    Basically you're looking to create an animated menu.

    Start off by creating the sprites you want.

    Next, use the Mouse Object and find the Condition "On Object Clicked" in combination with the above sprites, then add the actions you want on clicking.

    If you want elements to be picked up, you could use the "Drag and Drop" behaviour.

    To combine objects to create other objects, use the condition "on overlap with", and then spawn a new object while destroying the original two.

    Finally for the animations, trawl around the forums a bit, all the answers should be here. I've seen things like fire effects before, just can't remember exactly where :)

    Good luck!

  • IMHO doesn't seem that complicated - there are a few controls on screen. Nice work, this could be used as a sort of carousel for picking items and stuff (like your e.g. of HOMM)

  • What do you guys think of the course so far?

    I'm absolutely loving it - Prof Weirbach is actually a really, really good presenter which is half of what makes the course great. In addition the course material is really interesting.

    The second part of the course focusing on behavioural psych is ok, not finding it as cool as the first batch of lectures though...

    Hey if anyone's keen we can make a new thread discussing some of the upcoming essays :)

    (btw Quiz 3 is due tomorrow - I still haven't done it!)

  • Ah, I see - thanks for the heads up! I might have to read up on the technical specs.

    Yea apart from a couple of missing features, Awesomium seems pretty good otherwise! :)

  • RandomExile - Thank you! I was thinking about collating a list, but you've saved me the trouble :) Great work - this is going straight into my bookmarks!

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  • teahousemoon - this actually looks kind of cool. I had a play with Unity 3D a while ago, and while I was impressed with it's power, I thought that it would take too long for me to learn. The state diagrams that you use to create your game look simple enough.

    So what are the pros and cons of using playmaker? How long would it take to upskill and be reasonable proficient with it to make simple games?

  • Version: r103.2

    Severity: Low-Med

    Browser: Awesonium

    System Specs: win 7, CPU: AMD II X4 630, RAM: 4GB, AMD Radeon HD6900


    I've noticed that noise mask doesn't appear to work properly in my awesonium export. Basically it shows the noise, but it doesn't 'animate' as in the preview, or web versions.

    Image Example

    I also noticed Warp Ripple doesn't work at all in Awesonium.


    1. Create a layer with sprites on it

    2. Create a higher layer with a single sprite set with a Noise Mask

    3. Export in Awesonium

    4. Run the app and see that the noise mask doesn't move it's completely static.

    (same steps apply to warp ripple)

    Example capx:


  • Nice! Only just saw this thread now. This is similar to the cool Ludum Dare Mini Comps. Do you guys have a separate website for the entries and things? It would be awesome to have a basic wordpress site like LD.

  • NotionGames - Wow that's great work - best of luck! Let us know how things go, I'm more than happy to buy a copy once it's ready to go. I'm sure many other C2'ers will be happy to do the same to support a successful C2'er too.

    Just a random thought - I see on greenlight lots of indie game packs. Perhaps one day a few of us could pool a few of our best games and release them on Desura or Greenlight as well.

  • Ah, I see, thanks <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Yeah I agree with you both - there are some real scum bags out there, who essentially will try to take advantage of us, which goes beyond these job bidding sites.

    One of my friends is a graphic artist who freelances for small business, and even though she goes through traditional channels to get work, occasionally she will get bad clients who do the same thing: e.g. agree to work being done, and then at the end the clients say they don't want it anymore for various reasons.

    For that kind of situation, I think it's a must to have a contract signed, with stipulations on debt collection and legal pursuit.

    Even then it's not guaranteed. We had a client who we did work for, which was completely successful, but then she turned around a month after the payment due date and abruptly said she was dissatisfied with our work.

    Now this was *with* a formalized contract signed. I tried working things out with her, even giving her the benefit of the doubt by offering a discount just to resolve things, but I gradually realised, she was basically out to scam us. At that point I was pretty pissed and decided to take her to court. It's been more than a year now, and after numerous legal proceedings, we still haven't got our final payment. We're getting much closer, but even with legal checkpoints in place people can still get away with murder.

    So sorry about the ramble - my point I guess is that we need to put mechanisms in place to protect ourselves in case the above happens. If possible cover yourself off with a contract (might not be applicable internationally).

    The other thing I can think of is that with Freelancer.com, I read that you can use payment milestones for partial work which might make things easier also.