EyeHawk's Forum Posts

  • I actually had this happen to me tonight. I usually save my capx after every few mins, but this time I forgot and lost about 10-15 mins of changes :( I didn't quite figure out how to restore a backup - how do you do it?

  • DravenX - I agree with you 100%. The key point is that artists (and other freelancers) have complete free will in the matter.

    Similarly, I've been contracting in IT for the last few years, and when the economy is buoyant, I get great rates. When it's the opposite, I have to scrape for lousy jobs and accept mediocre pay. If I berated my employers during the bad times for not paying enough, they'd simply tell me bugger off, and I'd end up with a bad rep.

    These sites are essentially an extension of existing markets. Without these sites, people would continue to freelance and bid for work - it's been happening since the beginning of time.

    I gladly welcome these sites, as for me it opens up the global market which would otherwise be completely out of my reach.

    I believe that people who complain about not getting paid enough on the sites don't have a lot of common sense. It's as absurd as going up to e-bay and telling off everyone for not paying sellers "enough". Demand dictates what the price is - it's a free market.

  • jchamplain - As amusing as it is to read your futile attempts to get a reaction out of me, you're probably dancing dangerously close to getting yourself banned from the forums (remember the forum rules?).

    Now, since you've found it a challenge to follow my instructions in my post above, I've done you a favour: i.e. created a new forum for you:


    Again, I strongly suggest you refrain from hijacking this post any further. I find you and your discussions quite the source of delightful entertainment, so I'd rather not see you get the boot! :)

  • Do you believe that it's ethical to use job bidding sites for our game art, or any other assets or services that we might need for that matter?

    There are currently several sites that offer job bidding/contracting services such as:




    Even more here: freelanceswitch.com/finding/the-monster-list-of-freelancing-job-sites

    I personally don't have a problem with it. It's basically creating an open marketplace for professionals wanting to expand their pool of potential clients. For us specifically, it gives us access and visibility to many talented artists, developers, musicians, etc that just wouldn't be available or affordable normally.

    However, some would argue that use of such sites is considered exploitation as desperate professionals try to outbid each other and potentially end up getting paid peanuts.

    What are your thoughts?

  • JCCY - wow your work is simply amazing! I could see how some of it could be used as backgrounds or title art. What are the general guidlines on your pricing? Also is it possible to purchase some of the stuff you've already done for our games?

  • jchamplain - lol, just pure lol! I'm bookmarking this thread - seriously dude you are pure comedy haha! Love when the personal insults start coming out - that's a sure sign that someone's lost an argument. Anyway dude thanks, I haven't laughed out loud so hard for quite some time :D

    Once again PM if you actually have a genuine debate, or if you prefer you can continue to try to dis me there - it will be equally amusing either way :)

  • odesign, do you have quite specific requirements? If you just need a really simple one, the forum has tutorials for building a really basic MySQL/PHP one, or you could look at a service like clay.io which is pretty prominent on these forums.

  • GeneratorGames, as with Rory, I'd like to know many more details, and when your website will be ready.

  • Great stuff bonixmusic! :)

    Do you guys do any scary stuff? I'm quite taken with a horror game called Slender which uses really simple, but seriously creepy sounds and music. I'd love to make something similar.

  • editableclips thanks for the link! Definitely some great material for intro videos for our games :)

    jchamplain - hypocrite much? :) You seem to have a pretty selective memory about jumping all over jogogratispro. Ah, so now I understand the root of the problem, you're quite sensitive about people disagreeing with you. The whole time I though we were having a fun discussion, and in fact you were quite hurt.

    In any case, I think we've hijacked this thread quite enough - if you feel the inclination to continue this chat, as I always love a vigorous debate, feel free to PM me directly, or alternatively start a new thread. If you do the latter, me so I can see your responses! :)

  • jchamplain - Ah still banging on about morality I see. :)

    You're talking about straw man arguments, yet here you are suggesting that I'm immoral without admitting that morality is subjective (remember to look up wiki). Furthermore, in my opinion the use of sites such as freelancer.com don't constitute taking advantage of people. I'm really too lazy to keep repeating myself so you can re-read my posts if you like [insert here].

    At this point I think we can agree to disagree here, I really couldn't care less about trying to convince you that you're wrong. But as this is an open forum, I think we all need to hold off trying to impose our own misguided, self righteous views on everyone else.

    Bye! :)

  • That's very cool Angryfly. Do you have any 2D art?

  • Hey guys, I've been playing with the cloud compiler today, but it seems to keep loading for ages (20mins+) for a 1MB upload. I've stopped and restarted a few times. I guess from your comments it does work for you?

  • jchamplain - If idea of freelancer.com is causing you this much of a moral dilemma, I don't think you'd even want to consider entering the world of business (or even the corporate world) - this is but a mild example of what you think of as 'exploitation'. From your answer I don't think that is your objective anyway, so good luck with your pursuit of art/creativity :)

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  • @EyeHawk No thanks. I understand economics. Morality also has a page on Wikipedia if you're interested.

    jchamplain - I bet you haven't read either entry yourself friend :)

    That's a whole different can of worms, but in a nutshell morality is NOT black and white - which is essentially what you're trying to imply here.

    On the same vein by extrapolation your argument essentially is that all business is bad, since somewhere someone is being exploited. Perhaps you live in some kind idealist virtual commune, but those of us in the real world need money to live, and fuel our creative passions.

    Here's another tidbit to think about: Whenever you start something new, e.g. a new profession, business, etc, ironically it is not all about the money, i.e. sometimes you need to do things for non-financial gains such as noteriety, goodwill, experience etc...

    Those non-financial rewards will essentially lead to financial ones. So as a start-up company/artist/developer you can't afford to say "I'm getting shafted" just because you're not getting paid as much as Bioware for making my game/art/product right off the bat.

    So my point is, freelancer.com and similar sites might appear to be exploiting artists, but the fact is, as the artists gain reputation for doing good jobs, they can then command higher and higher pay. Hence there will be a demand for the service they supply - simple economics. If you want to be successful, I'd strongly suggest studying these fundamentals before slamming others for being "immoral" or "unethical". :)