DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • interesting stuff GenkiGenga thanks for sharing, i was actually watching the diablo also, however is not what i expected, they where like, "ehm we didnt knew how to zsort even we had a huge team and a big budget"... i was more interested in the marketing approach then how they made it. however they did had some cool tips about the color reduction.

  • I could pay a small fee to sort this for me?

    Any help please.

    i gave you a tutorial with capx, in the same section if you type "swipe menu" you will find multiple answers, the only difference is that the swipe menus are using horizontal movement or vertical, you need both but u just need to copy paste the same code and change the coordonates of movement from x to y

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  • I noticed I should find a way to reset the sequence from a certain point.

    I mean, if i touch the screen, soccer player will go frame 1 (kick) and if it is colliding, he must kick the ball to the other side. Problem is, that ball will always go forward until it touches A.x A.y. Is there a way to interrupt it earlier? like if the ball has hit a wall?

    just add overlapping with wall or on collision with wall change a variable and use that as a condition. im not sure what you have as a game, but if its simple enough u can post it here if its more complicated and u want to protect it send a capx to my pm. il look at it! and explain the changes i do.

  • try using slidebars, is the easiest method and most accurate. plus the slidebar i think it can be customized with CSS(im pretty sure it takes css did not used them in a while) and you can make it look like a part of the game.

    or try this swipe tutorialhas inertia also

  • I tried using sine movement on A and B and it works as well

    you could'v drag the A and B point by hand forgot to tell you that! my bad

  • Thanks, dude.

    no problem, however R0j0hound's formula is much better just change the 250 number i added in the capx where is the variance or the curvature point.

    r0j0hound A to B QARP movement

    you could use instead of the 250 number distance(pA.x,pA.y,pB.x,pB.y)/2 feels more natural.

  • good job

  • If you want parabola movement you could use the qarp() expression

    Var t=0

    Every tick

    --- set t to time%2

    --- set t to (t>1)?2-t:t

    --- set X to qarp(a.x, (a.x+b.x)/2, b.x, t)

    --- set y to qarp(a.y, (a.y+b.y)/2-variance, b.y, t)

    that's neat "oh"

  • well can try using the circular motion examples that uses sin/cos functions or the lerp function but then again depends what you want to exactly achieve. wold the ball rotate on both 360 degrees or just above? cause for above i have a capx that can help you, for bellow also the same but youl need to add some conditions to trigger the movement of the mid ball. and then you wont be able to use solids or anything else anymore. but you can add your own event system collision box so its ok either way. but with bullet you should be able to do it, using gravity, it only will need gravity adjustment based on the distance between A and B

    here is a circular movement AtoBcapx using the sin/cos

  • ... also I need to find a way to apply C2 effects on meshes, Its possible but I just need to determine the right approach.

    that sounds awesome keep up the good work, i bet you will find the best approach.

  • I'm going to be busy next year ( the whole year), I've got some things to do in life that are going to prevent me from working on this plugin. So the best way to do it is to release one last version that's stable and holds most features.

    so the 0.6 is released yet or is just the announcement?

    all features you added are great, i cant wait to test them all out

  • Glad you liked the Demo and if you bookmark it I will be updating with more tricks as I go along.

    Oh and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    I shall, Merry Christmas to you too friend!

  • good template, really works good.

    but as usual, most of times, C2 physics brake the collisions due to the speed and step iteration.

    why i say that?

    every time i tried to create a C2 physic based game or tested physics none worked as good as expected, one issue that always happen, if the collision doesn't brake due to the speed, then the speed dumping will take a straight line instead of a gradually decreasing speed of the current angle and fall natural.

    bellow image shows the trajectory of c2 physics in no matter of what type of condition, it might get altered and minimized but is always going to be as the black line shows, which is always will try to find the shortest and straightest line instead of curving and slowing over time, as normal physics and real physics will do. it might get close to the green sometimes but will always brake if that happens. if its not the angular damping then is the speed iteration, and so on.


    i found the r0j0hound's physics plugin (chipmunk) reacts much better, however it has some weirdly snags where it shakes on slow speeds.

    but your example still stands better then most examples of pinball, great job.

  • Took a break from C2, now I'm back and seem to be blanking on something that sounds easy enough.

    So, how do I draw a dotted line from point A to point B?

    im guessing you are talking not about a sprite like above,

    use for"x"

    from your x starting position

    to target x position


    from your y starting position

    to target y position


  • set animation frame to abs(self.8waymovement.angleofmovement/45)? does that work?

    and the speed of movement or rotation needs to be set to 45 degrees interval or 360 degrees rotation, never 90 degrees interval unless you divide the angle by 90 and show only 4 frames. cause 360/45 = 8 , and you need the rotation to happen on 360 degrees to show all the frames.