DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • derikvlog u can disable the collision with that object .. with physics i think

  • easy method then variables just ad a sprite(can be you play button, main actor, a text something that stays on screen always and u don't destroy it ) and create a boolean for it , and make that sprite global now u have global boolean's ....... works for me , just i'm not using global boleans never needed one

  • Thanks man

    It´s not just me, we are some kind of little network

    Iluminati.....>.> kidding nice


    Hmm, R0J0's been quite lately.

    He must either be:

    A. Teaching Chuck Norris how to be a computer ninja, or

    B. Making a paradigm changing plug.

    loller .... btw u know u have more badges then tom and ashley?:)) funny ....

    On topic looks great :X let me try this

  • you need to have those events to assure the charachter doesnt leave the screen or moved to much in left side, because is not him who moves but the grun tiles, so on hit the tile will trigger the slightly movement forward of the charachter . u should not play to much with that unless u know what ur doing.

  • hehe nice , your everywhere dude ) keep up the good work

  • that swing on the rope looks COOL

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  • hmm... looks delicious man

  • looks great the graphics nice job

    ( ...your link doesnt work, u need 500 rep)

  • p.s you may also want to take in consideration the usage of trigger once while true condition , that will avoid creating multiple mobs in same spot and when u kill you will see double score,

  • Hey DetteMan, performance wise, there a few tips that you can learn and test if you want i can share with u some of my fixes to gain some extra fps on your games, as for spawning system depends ... not sure what kind of info you wold like, there is a lot of things to talk about, depends mostly what you are aiming for in the end.. maybe share a capx for understanding what your doing...

    so some.... few tips for for those FPS gains :

    1 if you have alot of spawns in at a time wold problebly create cold zones for you mobile games as for computers u dont have to worrie about it to much, avoid doing them every x second as much as possible or increase the time frame between spawns, like on wave1 you wold want instead of spawning all mobs in 1 shot try using a bolean or a count down every 0.5 seconds creates a mob outside screen that follows the path ... when the count down is finish set the wave 2 ready but start it 1 second later then repeat,

    if you are having allot of text objects, avoid updating them every tick or every less then "every 0.5s" try using the "text " to update when some action happens, as in when mob 1 gets killed , set text to value of score + value of mob kill don't do the math on a "every tick" and then just update the "text object" that will decrease your fps rate by 3-5, at least, for each text object, avoid as much possible ( "every tick" can mean also when something is true as: sometimes you may create a condition that will be all the time met by the system so that will be called "every tick" as well).

    so you better understand the every tick system is not only the every tick you have from c2 system , its also automatically the condition you can create and leave it open as in is a mob on screen? is a level 1 started? is score >number or is score less <number that automatically by C2 acts like everytick (that is tryng to do what ever your action is at 1 milisecond or less) so imagine if u have 10 mobs spawning at a time and give them to all the same action , 1st the game will dramatically suffer fps los, and 2 u might get freezing screens on mobile, as for pc they can slow a bit depends what crappy pc people have , me personally i dident change my Hardware in 10 years, did not needed to, i`m thinking to rebuild a new one :-s just are so many choices...

    hope you got the point of fps gaining, if u arent already aware of it now you should know what to avoid, and how, as long with ur system for spawning mhmm... not sure dident made any tower defense games , i playd a bit with some engines but they where using cubes and simple shapes, so im guessing u have some animations, and other things, try reducing them also or compress the **** out of them there are alot of png compressors out for free as tinypng and many others, if u dont use a png try making the frames bordered with black not white , and use alpha chanel but then ul need webgl support so most of mobiles doesnt handle that good.

    for spawning i wold say to create a count down that creates 1 mob every second and u can have like 3 types of mobs , little medium strong, lets say, every category has 10 ammo clips like bullets, right? so each wave ul have 30 enemys to kill in game, now in order to spawn them random or in order u need to create 6 variables 3 for the categorys 3 for the mobs in the category 1 for the countdown, the variables for the categorys can be numbers ,text , or bolean, if its a number u use , u can set when number is 1 on category 1 spawn every 1.5 seconds until enemy > or equal to 0 , never say equal because the system may sometimes spawn 2 enemys at 1 time, so when that category amo number is empty move to next category and repeat it till all mobs are spawn, you may want to add a speed button so the mobs are spawned faster, and move faster, since its upgrade&autokill type of game. it takes longer, to create a speed button, u need 3 buttons or 2 or more depends how many stages of speed u want to add, and the system event timescale if its 0 game stops if its 1 game speed is normal anything above 1 will increase the game speed. so kinda those are my tips for you, hope it helped.

  • I think I'm missing something here. How can I create an object using nickname and then select that object?

    As an example: I have a gun that I want to create a projectile by using nickname. Then since all projectiles are in a projectile family I want to grab the object that I just created and do some more configuration on it (set the projectile's angle, set the UID of the weapon that spawned it, etc) Is there any way to do this?

    for your example :

    that's basic coding

    if u create a new bullet just add a event with the actions u want to do they are available by default using C2

    E.G when mouse is pressed > spawn bullet on layer 1 at point 0 of wep u want to spawn on.. if u want to record a UID then just call the uid of the wep and do a instance variable on the bullet and set the variable to the wep uid if u want to use it later for something else but uid's usually they are not necesarely for use unless u have some AAA game ... then i guess ur bullet has a bullet behavior for movement ( just add the action under the condition above sayng bullet>bulletbehavior> angle of motion set to speed set to etc and will do that instantly when the bullet is created

    be sure that the actions u give to the bullet to be under him not above cause then wont happen nothing... cause there is no bullet on screen to perform those action (always customize a bullet or a character after u gived the comand to spawn it)

    unless Ur thinking on something else

    rexrainbow nice plugin usefull

  • The way I have it set up is that I enter the car, and it destroys the player and pins the camera to the car. When I leave, it spawns the player nearby the car and pins the camera back to the player. If I have multiple cars, it will pin the camera between the two cars, and then control both cars. and when i leave that car, it spawns multiple player objects. How do i prevent this?

    not sure if u fixed it but im guessing when u are between 2 cars, the player is spawned on exit and overlaps both of them thats why is ur code creating to many players on exit, as you code is sayng > when player ovelaps car disable driving spawn player .... that means when ever u have 2 cars and the cars are overlaping him each of the car will spawn a new carachter at their own origin point 1 on layer 0 so make sure both of the cars dont overlap the carachter or try using variables instead or boleans will be much simple and will avoid the confusion of graphics overlaping , thats for platformers then what u have here (old gta format i guess) , so try do a bolean called driving on character and say when E is pressed and Bolean is not active set bolean to true and do the rest for driving the car if bolean is active when E is pressed then set bolean to false and spawn 1 carachter and try using a sub event on spawn that says trigger event once (cause if u dont use the trigger event , then the engine will try spawn as many possible characters in the time frame, that takes to spawn a character for the engine). hope it makes sense and helps u

  • Hey ,

    thanks man appreciate that good feedback! Glad you like it.

    I really had fun doing this, cause working with real photography is different to the regular game assets

    Nevertheless I don´t think that a lot of people will buy it, cause of it´s special topic


    i wold buy it

    id say the graphics are a bit overpriced i wold sell it somewhere around 3-5 $

  • the game is good, just i hate the table scratch ... so anoyng ...maybe because i have a foby to that kind of sound, or metal to plate.... the game is awesome the coding is good cant really say what you need more