inanakmugan These explanations are of what it is doing, not why it is being done. So....
I don't really care for how the default auto-runner template handles the running. Essentially this template creates a treadmill, your platforms are moving left under you, and the player is running right. These events fix the difference in speed as they move together. Similar to if you were walking on a treadmill slower than it was moving under you, you would fall off the back. Or if you were jumping up and down on it. This template manually moves you forward a bit, so you don't fall off the back.
Here is a link to the arcade where someone posted a capx that I used in my autorunner. Instead of a treadmill, the platforms are static and only the player is moving right. No need for the "hand of god" player placement to correct the game over time. ... -runner-v2
Here is what they say about it: "A slightly better version of the default auto-runner template included with C2. In this, the movement is switched from platform to player. So each block is static, and, after reaching the end of the map, destroyed. Basically, the number of events has been trimmed from 13 to 10, but needs to be modified so the background can properly scroll. So the final product will be about 11."