Prime Mover - A ZX Spectrum-style platformer

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10 Retro songs ideal for platformers or farming games
  • UPDATE[2017.08.06]: The final update has been released, version 1.2 with the below changes:


    • fixed an instance of elevator being in wrong position when respawning.
    • energy recharges slightly faster when on ground.
    • added 5 new rooms to reduce backtracking.
    • added checkpoint at mines key.
    • added button prompt on intro screens.
    • delay skipping ending screens.
    • other minor tweaks.

    Available at the same links below. ... over-13268 ... rime-mover


    UPDATE [2017.01.06]

    After lots of good feedback I've uploaded version 1.1 of Prime Mover, with the below changes:

    v1.1 changes:

    • added keys Z and B as alternative to Spacebar.
    • added checkpoints at unlocked doors and key points, continue can be used 3 times.
    • small changes to some enemies. ... over-13268

    Also here's a video of me playing it badly:

    Hope you enjoy it! Cheers.


    I've finally finished the game and released version 1.0! From the previous playable demo I uploaded, I've added all ending screens, music, tweaked the gameplay, and added a cheesy loading screen. ... over-13268

    Hope you enjoy it! Cheers.

  • Nailed the look and feel. Good work!

  • Sweet, thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I also just uploaded all the images if anyone wants to use them: ... rime-mover

  • good job

  • Thanks a lot

  • Hey there! I'm a huge sucker for retro platforming games, and I'm enjoying this. Definitely deserves more recognition.

    Had a few runs on the Arcade, and I like most of everything -- perfect ZX spectrum graphics and UI, robust platforming/jetpack controls, and interesting level design.

    One thing though, I realize the game is intended to be difficult to resemble the older classics, but I think taking the player back to the home screen is just a bit too far back, even before the cutscenes. I'm not sure if the ZX spectrum games did this, but I find that it takes away from my (otherwise solid) experience.

    I wanna ask -- how did you achieve that text typing effect (as opposed to all the text showing itself at one go)? It's working beautifully in Prime Mover, and I've always wanted to have it in my game.

    I've also been wondering about the separate screen system you have -- is each screen on a different layout? Or do you just have every screen tiled out on one layout, then scroll to each screen according to player position?

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  • Hey there! I'm a huge sucker for retro platforming games, and I'm enjoying this. Definitely deserves more recognition.

    Had a few runs on the Arcade, and I like most of everything -- perfect ZX spectrum graphics and UI, robust platforming/jetpack controls, and interesting level design.

    One thing though, I realize the game is intended to be difficult to resemble the older classics, but I think taking the player back to the home screen is just a bit too far back, even before the cutscenes. I'm not sure if the ZX spectrum games did this, but I find that it takes away from my (otherwise solid) experience.

    I wanna ask -- how did you achieve that text typing effect (as opposed to all the text showing itself at one go)? It's working beautifully in Prime Mover, and I've always wanted to have it in my game.

    I've also been wondering about the separate screen system you have -- is each screen on a different layout? Or do you just have every screen tiled out on one layout, then scroll to each screen according to player position?

    Hi! Glad you like it A few people have mentioned checkpoints so it might be something to add at some point.

    For the typing effect I have all the text on a layout and each line is covered by a strip of black. Then each letter is revealed by moving the black strip right one letter. There are a few ways you can do this though, this was just the first thing that came to mind at the time.

    I made each screen on it's own layout, I found this easier to manage because it avoids mixing all the events and objects together.

  • For the typing effect I have all the text on a layout and each line is covered by a strip of black. Then each letter is revealed by moving the black strip right one letter. There are a few ways you can do this though, this was just the first thing that came to mind at the time.

    I made each screen on it's own layout, I found this easier to manage because it avoids mixing all the events and objects together.

    Ooh. Interesting solutions! This is what I was looking for. After I hit enter on my post I realized that it was most likely a single layout with different ScrollTo points, but I'm pleasantly surprised. That's a lot of event sheets!

    I'm gonna try and beat the game on the Arcade tonight. In the meantime -- good luck on any further development!

  • Hi, I found this game the other day while navigate on IndieDB, and really love it! still won't beat it. but I will do for sure. Congrats!

    Checkpoints or a rapid restart will be nice.

  • Wow! Spectrum is my favorite console and this is awesome!!!!!

    The right sound / look / feel. Very nice job =) Brings back memories!!!!!

  • After lots of good feedback I've uploaded version 1.1 of Prime Mover, with the below changes:

    v1.1 changes:

    • added keys Z and B as alternative to Spacebar.
    • added checkpoints at unlocked doors and key points, continue can be used 3 times.
    • small changes to some enemies. ... over-13268

    Also here's a video of me playing it badly:

    Hope you enjoy it! Cheers.

  • The final update has been released, version 1.2 with the below changes:


    • fixed an instance of elevator being in wrong position when respawning.
    • energy recharges slightly faster when on ground.
    • added 5 new rooms to reduce backtracking.
    • added checkpoint at mines key.
    • added button prompt on intro screens.
    • delay skipping ending screens.
    • other minor tweaks.

    Available at the same links below. ... over-13268 ... rime-mover

    Hope you enjoy it!

  • Awesome game. I luv it. You nailed it, graphics sound and game play.

  • Good stuff here

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