DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys,

    Finally! I'm upgrading this pack with more assets and some surprises. But before launching anything, I wanted to know if you had any request regarding this pack?

    Thank you!

    I don't know if the request would count now since i guess the update already happen, i would loved to see or have a greater pixel size icons? at least 32x32 ? cause now they are minuscule

    but none then less i love the pack! id love to see more type of pixel menus if possible

  • had happen to me also on arcade, on my latest example uploaded, as randomly said after a few refresh pages it worked for me also, however 2 days before that to happen, wasn't doing it, someone is working on the arcade section i think Tom ?:D

  • I think, your option is easier, but since saving to LocalStorage, saving a dictionary as JSON takes less time since it only saves one Local Storage item instead of multiple.

    No offense, just trying to figure out what's more efficient.

    no offense taken, ha ha, i just didn't knew array are saved as 1 file in json ... might be much less time consuming your approach, but maybe a little to complex?

    mine just uses direct numbers, for prebuilt like template games, nothing that is randomly generated. which i think his template doesn't need to over complicate to much, since its a small sidescrooler.

    im now curious about your array/ json approach sounds something that could benefit a more complex game or database.

  • why do you use arrays to save levels or asjson? you only need 1 variable

    Edited : My bad 2 or more global variables, currentlevel, maxlvlreached,hiscore,score,coins,dogs etc

    and more localvariables for all the items you use. so you can give them a number assigned to them and no UID or IID wont work.

    at end of layout > save item "level"&currentlvl  
                                            > save item "hiscore"&currentlvl  
                                            > save item "score"&currentlvl  
    //then in main menu//
    for repeat maxlevelreached = call item "level"&1+loopindex // (1+loopindex in case you run the loopindex with a 0 based loopindex if you want you can try using for "" from 1 to maxlevelreached then call item "level"&loopindex)
    for any itemget 
    pick by comparison  levelicon 
    "level"&levelicon.number = localhost.key > set level to localhost.itemvalue
    now pressumable you know what i talked about, then you dont need arrays, or any json file or asjson. dont know who told you that.
  • "MARIO" CRTTTTT, best CRT there is he he he! All Hail Master Gigatron!

  • im not sure what is the exact problem? do u have a capx that represents the issue?

  • nice artwork Kenney you never stop to amaze me

  • I have 50 instances and I need to get some instances and change the frame of them one by one. I am trying to do this using the UID number but it is not working.

    My pseudo-code:

    Repeat numTimes
    > Pick all Sprite
    > For each Sprite order by Sprite.UID ascending
    > Sprite AnimationFrame > 0 : Sprite Set AnimationFrame = Sprite.AnimationFrame+1[/code:32k9refy]

    try using IID - its the numeration of objects that are part of same type. while uid - is numeration of objects all placed in screen (if you have other objects placed your objects you pick wold not have a incremental order like from 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 but more like sprite uid 1,2,6,12,13,14, etc)

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  • 1- Create a mesh instance for the worm

    2- Apply a skeleton behavior to the mesh

    3- Create animation range

    4- Play it

    1- Create a mesh instance for the worm - newmesh object place it to screen layout.

    2- Apply a skeleton behavior to the mesh - this goes to newmesh palced to screen layout

    3- Create animation range - this is why i asked for cloned live.... anyway just use the system condition "For " in the name of loop type your animation example

    for "swirl"
       from index 0 
       to index 20              
    4- Play it   - action - newmesh play animation
  • if you put the time in and you have time to stay and develop it at that quality level yes, but its not going to magically make it by itself.

  • search for paster plugin, and multiple screen examples with it.

  • chrisbrobs hei, awesome effect, really gives the extra miles to the gameplay, however, im having a bit of a issue with my exported games, while in preview all character have the shadow perfect, i mean all of them in localhost look so good, when i export to html5 the effect is messed up, its like sometimes works but sometimes doesn't and the weird part is that works good on exported for 1 actor animation, but the rest animation the actor has it doesnt, also buildings goes bad, main char same. is it because are to many characters or some html5 exporting issues? il try exporting to nodejs and see if in there happens.

    here is the html5 version effect going nuts on me ... notice the women in yellow her shadow is perfect, i checked the collisions/imagepoints/ image size gaps everything is perfect, however is going bad.

    and this is the dropshad color same problem

    and here is the localhost preview this is a recorded screen of the localhost where everything acts normal.

    Edited: i seen newt said works fine for layers , im testing and see if wold work for entire actors.

    and i got this result... while its good and awesome, i liked more the shadow for individual sprites. and not the layer one... from this version

    P.S the bottom villagers shadow is just a sprite spawned when they are created and i pined it to them. CRT effect is just a overlayed image the CRT effects on Forum are to heavy to be used even in a PC game

  • good effect, however as the other crt filter effect this is effect is really heavy on R239 not sure why... i apply the effect on layout directly seems to make the most sense. but its to hard loading even in preview, i only tested it in Chrome/firefox/mobile android.

  • what do i do here, I understand everything that your saying but i dont get how to set it up in the panel.

    it looks like water waves and not really the pulse effect i was thinking it would be like. Im sure im doing something wrong in there.

    yea i was thinking that riple effect could give more bulge to shockwave but i guess depends on how assets are made... here is a simple glass examplecomes close to what you where looking for, for sure there is a better effect that creates that shockwave better or maybe is going to give better results on a better image? dont know.. didnt tested yet

  • I will play around with it as well, What im not quite understanding is do i need to spawn a sprite with the effect on it , wait so many secs for the effect to run its course then destroy that sprite? Thanks again for the reply i never sleep and im glad to see some active people on here at this time! its 4am for me more coffee! lol

    you apply the effect to a sprite object and animation if required, then delete it at start of layout, right? as you wold normal do with any sprites. then when click is pressed create same sprite at mouse x y position and give the new created object effect parameter 1 2 3 and scale it up or play animation frames depends on your approach.

    P.S its 12 am here almost, but i barely sleep also, been wake for about 17 hrs and im still going