DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • no i have not but i will try it. Ive seen the effect used in alot of games over the years but i really never knew how it worked or how to make it happen.

    thanks for the reply!

    i was actually trying to replicate the effect using pulse effect and glass effect, pulse effect is what makes the circular effect like you shown, however it might be you'l need a animation or scale a sprite with the effects on it, however the effect itself might cause high resources. il try and see if i manage to make it work like that, also i know the effect can be done i seen it applied to a robot explosion animation in a old gameboy like game was looking cool.

  • I really would like to know if we are able to do this with C2. I looked in the forums and google and didnt see much about it.

    Edit: I actually just seen a video and seen this type of effect in the game Airscape if im correct. If it is possible to do this how can I?

    Is this a out of the box feature or do i need to do something special with sprites?

    have you tried warp effect?

  • > This seems extremely complicated. Can you explain what you want? I get the general idea, but specifically, how should this work?


    When you get in his line of sight, He fades away, gets right behind you and fades back in and attacks. After that he fades back out, goes back to where he started, then fades back in. The only problem is that once the whole cycle starts again, he stays invisible after he fades out.

    i didnt opened your capx, but here is my own version of unexpected behavior AI

    the AI is by default patrolling, then the last move=4 is what is triggering the unexpected fade out/in and action (whenever the player enters the enemy distance of patrolling by 100 pixels then AI spots him and unexpectedly stabs him in the back.

    then if your player wold have something like a bullet shot at it, you wold compare if enemy.move<4 or not equal with 4 then trigger your usual life lose on enemy, else miss.

    however the code is getting stuck not sure why, ATM but as a example should do the trick so you can understand how you can use proximity and visual effect with opacity.

  • I didn't make those examples or plugins. Rexrainbow did.

    yes sorry i mistaken the masters sorry senpai

    I'll check out the videos you suggested, GameCorp, and see if those give me a proper direction for what I'm trying to do.

    Although, in my initial search, I did find several potentially good options in the tutorials section:

    THIS one stood out to me: ... cing-games

    I'm still just starting to go through them, so I don't know which, if any, would suit our needs for a racing game as we picture, but maybe that'll help.

    the videos i suggested are to give you a guide of how "GOOD really smart AI " are done, the stupid kinda or pattern build in code types are simple to make, you just create a smarter pathfinding, however as i said above, to truly make a AI that "tries to beat you", you'l probably need a neural network with past gameplay, or AI that uses genetic generation.

    il check the tutorials you shared im really intrigued now by AI in games, thanks for the links also .... i might get stuck in the AI world now...

  • this issue wold be very hard to fix, and rollback the effects, so if i know right, then Tom already disconnected the reward page from being logged in, so no more exp to gain, that means you can get medals, but not the exp.

  • Wow... i'm loving where all this went! Thanks a lot for all your amazing work!

    your welcome im pretty satisfied with it also, even though the sounds could be done a little better maybe, but works good i believe so also, since was meant to be just a quick example hahaha!

    sometimes i still be the child on christmas, thanks for reminding me!

    i wish yall a fancy christmas time and a happy new year!

    Ha ha ha, well its good to be childish at heart, makes life easier.

  • i know for sure i seen a masters rexrainbow capx somewhere with some racing cars and AI going in circles topview and they where awesome actually, even hard to beat, but not cause of their speed, cause they where smart little buggers <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    i think was called LJ potential or CAR AI if you dont want something complex thats what your looking for <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> i found it awesome at first sight i bet u will also <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    he has a custom plugin made for racing AI i think ... that is a first start i guess all car ai's of rexrainbow that i know off and are shared.

    however for "actual try to race you " that is no AI you seen in big games, that is a shadow past gameplay of a experienced user or maybe a multiple users moves database trying to beat you. which is called shadowing, and its difficult to do, since you'l need game plays from multiple human beings and the only ones with enough AI RACE capabilities at that scale are EA games and they NFS series since 1980 till now they have tons of data u could use... if u had access too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> sadly... we dont have access to that data... so we just need to start slow and little, with small little games, capture game plays and moves... re-use it, in future gameplay. and so on till actually AI gets good. however all the blabbing from above might not even be possible in C2 since you basically need to create a small neural network. but if u find a good racing AI in C2 let me know cause i want to get it too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">)

    this might also help you

    he talks about racing AI i think.

    some explanation how to give waypoints of the map to AI

    raycasting AI - live AI guiding itself using raycasting.

    racing neural network

    racing genetic code/neural network

    also you might get a AI using waypoints or mapping for AI like in counter strike if you know what i mean.. where the AI/BOTS wold learn the obstacles and map hidden areas best spots etc and use them.

    edited the original AI capx publishers.... my bad i apologize.

  • The clones issue is solved in 0.6, you can now duplicate meshes from the C2 event using System->Create object

    that is awesome

  • can you show us what exactly you want to achieve?

    P.S are you trying to achieve the old mario mushroom growth? cause you could do the resizing on original point unpin and then move as you said its not possible, but keeping in mind original old mario was pausing the gamespeed while he was growing or shrinking, and you couldn't control it while the effect was happening.

  • This time i'm not was talking about clone objects in realtime and control them, i guess you refer to gamecorpstudio. I'm talking about duplicate objects in the C2 layout to create my level from scratch and after that in events set actions that affects to all the duplicates, that can be items like coins, diamonds,etc... without use MeshArrays, loopindex, duplicate events and all that.

    As you can see in the video i have in the C2 layout a level designed with duplicated items to pick. This trick only works for NewMesh.Objects not for cloned in realtime or scenes from 3D editors, as i said i prefer do all in C2 also i guess will works for Obj-Js.mesh or i hope.

    i was talking about duplicates also. maybe i talked weird.

    (but live duplicates in B3D is made with mesh.array thats what i was trying to say. i can work with it no problem, its still low resource consumption, just its better to have individual duplicates in stead of clones. (they sound the same, they are not entirely))

  • i meant as a christmas gift for all of us i would say its now a really good tank example 1+

    i heard you

    here it is tank example v.3 Play V0.4

    Merry Christmas to all!

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  • yes your last example handle it better. is it possible to add the acceleration on the middle mouse button, so you can handle the whole shooting and driving with the mouse.

    yea i can

  • I like the way you handle the audio. it seems you can adjust the pitch/playback rate for the engine sound on slow to normal with only the movement of the tank. it seems that it needs buffering on this because you make it scan it on Every tick?!

    yea you could add a every 0.1 if you want i just quickly wrapped things up.

    not sure what you mean by buffering?

    capx updated

  • well it shouldn't matter, here is latest version with some muzzle flashes and i commented each code line so you understand what they do, also pay attention to flash animation and tank animation.

    i bet your teacher wont mind if you use extra stuff and make it more flashy

  • Mord

    updated capx i added 2 mini-guns left click shoots big gun right click pressed shoots the mini-guns. happy Mayham

    when i said shells, i meant empty shells(the ones that are left over from a handgun after you shoot someone and the coroner comes to your house cause they found a bullet shell that you purchased from store ... to much info), not the filled rocket type of shells. however that part is covered in my capx, the bullets spawn and move on cannon or turret position to their own angle. so im guessing it should fix your issues with shells also.