Hi my name is Jazz813 and I have some troubleshots about my little project. First of all let's start from the beginning of my problem, I want to create a Game & Watch like game, I can move the player but in 5 differrent Layouts and here comes also my problem, here a picture from my game so maybe everyone can make a better image of the problem.
So my problem is that when I move my player from left or right the birdscrap will disapear when the next frame jumps to the next Layout what's logical, I also tried to work with more Layer in one Layout because I think that if everything plays in one Layout it should work, but also there I encouted problems and it's when I tip it in the event sheet that the Player will move when I press the left or right button from the keyboard for example, it work for one frame but maybe I don't know the option to do it so , but I can't say the programm that if I press the left button anew the player move to the left agian and the last picture disapear...
Could anyone help me on this problem ?
Thanks very much