DozeMaster's Forum Posts

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  • it have workt! the only thing is that it doesn't spawn more than 20... do u know how?

    yes it wont spawn more then 20 cause the main condition will be maxim 20 right? so if you want to spawn 100 change the number to 100 and so on

    hope it will work

  • you can trigger the creation of platforms if the platforms can be destroyed so lets say you have a targeted platform numbers that will be 20 that will be the condition when the platforms will be start to get created if they are lower then that number so the condition will look like this

    If platforms.count (<= lessorequal) 20 -------> {Action} create platform at X Y

    this way whenever the count of platforms are less then 20 another 1 will automatically be created..

  • dont worrie you started well and seems you have a good idea of what you want, its just i dident seen enough details on why people should join.

  • what wold the team members get as a slice from the total outcome as profit? be careful what you answer, that will be decisive on what the intentions are, from a lot of people perspective that will want to join, and also keep in mind, most of the team members with the skills you ask for, they also can use Construct2!

    What you bring to table? outside being the leader?

    What are the pros and cons having you as a team leader?

    Simply put... benefits?

  • QuaziGNRLnose, hi. Could you make an example moving player for Q3D Oimo physics behaviour?

    you mean moving player platformer based or moving player ... physics movement based (i.e pool ball game , bowling etc)?

  • Hey guys, wanted to share some tips about how to learn faster the C2 functions, and how to push yourself to find solutions to create something in Construct2.

    i found out recently that are a bunch of websites that offers open source html5 and JavaScript game files, that means you can download and take a quick peak at the code and functionalities, and then you can replicate them in Construct2.

    Here are a few links where you can find some neat html5 games, and JavaScript ones.

    Javascript games by java2s

    Html5 source 1 by openhtml5games

    Html5 source 2 by superdevresources

    you wold wander why doing this? because its a good exercise, and pushes you to the limit, to find solutions in Construct2 that you can do it very easily in Native coding, and by doing so you will gain more, efficiency, experience in solving problems, a better self of esteem by doing something that you never knew you can, and of course youl learn Construct2 at a new level ... hope it helps you .. and gives you something to occupy your time with.. while you have fun with Construct2.

    Happy Coding.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • It's pretty simple. Make a good game. People talk about good games. All the marketing and promotion in the world is useless otherwise. Sorry to be so blunt, but flappy bird / space invaders clones with public assets and a game where you tap squares aren't the most appealing. There's an ocean of amazing work out there and it's gonna take more than that to get noticed.

      im not arguing with u so we dont have a conflict later ok?:D i totally agree with your statement.. just want to add something, so other people that dont have time to explore the google indexes to just read it here.

    coming to the above quote... Naji

    well those are exceptions.. similar to the guy who wanted to make potato salad on kickstarter for a 2 usd goal and got 50,000 usd that only proves, the power of "stupid people in masses" or how i like to call them... "The SPM statistics '

    flappy bird they got that success after some popular youtube gameplayers starting doing videos about it.. however tooked around 5 months before it went viral or even more.. the guy who made it dident done no advertising at all.. just uploaded it and what happens happens, since was a small stupid game in his opinion. but then the masses i was talking about got so frustrated and annoyed by it that shared it to their friends.. which got the same reaction... that also proves the old saying " monkey see... Monkey do" so yea its a bunch of stories out there.. how to build it to make it viral ( but thats called branding.. and there are plenty more..) in the end there is only 1 way ... advertise .. no matter if its bad or not.. cause if its bad and u get a lot of attention you release version 1.2 which will be better right? then u can achieve the viral status.. cause in 1.2 you will know what mistakes you did and you will try to see what people wants from it, and what attracts them well kinda thats it, and remember always be active, post new content, updates,have fun and dont forget to eat in the brakes. even though i dont follow my own tips... just because im lazy not cause they are not true...

    look i was talking with this woman, from an advertising company that i wanted to hire for a campaign on indiegogo.. and i know her for a long time, she told me .."why wold you want to pay ... for something you already can do"

    .. its not that difficult.. the advertising companies does same thing... there is always a starting point.. so either you can build your own social media around your product.. and brand a name for the developer or pay thousands of dollars in advertising and CPM rates.. for 1000/1usd-5usd views that has a 1% click rate and 0.5% follow trough... so in end its your decision what you want to do.. but remember... there is no game developing team.. made out from 1 person.. there is always media people for it, tech people, graphic people and so on... look closer around us... take Scirra for example its a great product... but a limited advertising power.. because its still in progress... right? its only 2 people doing it till lately when started expanding.. but its hard to build something, blog it, answer questions, keep track of logistics, and many other issues that comes with a incorporated business. and by hard i mean requires time... its not physically hard.. its more mentally brake down hard.. it becomes tedious work at some point. so the easy way to do it its by adding members to team, members that shares same points of views, and know what they want, and you can count on them.

    also innovating and polish the product as much as you can before you start advertising, come with new fun products, new ways additional stuff, you know Steve Jobs (i know he was an asshole,but... he knew how to innovate and how to push people at their limits)....said ones... "people wont know what they want until they see it" ... so there is no way you can fail at doing something unless your not doing it at all.

    and remember there is no bad advertising..

    i think this is the 10th edit i do.... as you will see the replies to your post, in end comes to marketing, no matter what the reasons are behind it or how to achieve it ... its called market research and advertising...

    either advertising by natural growth .. by doing good content , graphical wise or theme ... or just pure SEO

  • male female option is the only one you can tell... there is no other way.. not even google knows what *** u have.. unless u state it in your profile...

    edited... there is no other practical way.. there are different methods to detect a user gender.. but in the end the most effective ones are the ones that are using user inputs.. even if you take the info from your own game options... or from their social connection i.e user connects with facebook or Instagram or some social account that allows you to take that specific table of information.

    you can experiment with the voice detection and many others or by taking snapshots and have a face detection or something else.. but they will never be as accurate as when people will say hey im a guy... or hey im a girl

  • Make $$$ with Flippa and C2. — Now for sale in the Scirra Store! ... nd-c2-1147

    This ebook will show you how to make passive income with flipping and selling apps on using Construct 2 daily. If you learn the techniques that I use, then you will have no problems.

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Make $$$ with Flippa and C2.

    lol seen this thread so many times just Flippa name wouldn't made any sense, now i realize it does Flip + App< backwards FlipApp.....Genius <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_surprised.gif" alt=":o" title="Surprised"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> .... interesting and yea the idea of changing the graphics its good, but only if you release the same app on different websites, or markets... i mean you can scratch some cash of the same game over and over, just youl lose fame on your developer, people will notice you for having same game but with different graphics not sure if thats a to good idea in end. but the flippa program i think i tried it some time ago , and it does look promising, im really considering your e book <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> but i have to wait to get some free time and more content in my hands.

    • Post link icon

    Ohhhh shiny!

    ---- made my day hahahaha

    thanks Ashley this is awesome

    you guys are awesome

  • ok 2 tested so far, mortar melon loads and is bit laggy compared to other games like angry birds and clash of clans etc.

    Square eater stopped working unfortunatelly, wasnt able to play at all.

    mortar melon i think its not made in Construct2 entirely, they even said specifically that they had a Demo in 2 days, which can mean they only needed a demo to attract some sort of investing to build it in some other engine, or using another language however the clash of clans and angry birds i think are native coded games, or by using some custom engine, or even unity, which runs much faster then the c2 framework, so you cant really compare them... a c2 game will always get stuck at around 35-45 fps on mobiles, if your lucky youl get 50-55 depends on how much graphic assets the game has in same time on screen and how willing you are to invest time in optimizing the code which can save you a lot of FPS. hope you understand. and hope you found the answers you wanted in the games you tested, unfortunately i cant actually give you my games, cause i had to remove all from google play because of some cordova update security issue. im to lazy to recompile them most of them i dont even have the source anymore.

    let me know what you found in your test that you did on bluestacks im curious

  • .... A second monitor would do the trick too....

    you know that you can see 2 event sheets at the same time? if you drag and drop them near each other that will save you the 2nd monitor and you can copy paste directly the same codes from one project to another if the objects , variables are named the same there is no need for a print button really ! well unless ur doing some e-book to learn faster the codes or memorize them.

  • no comment.....

    love it ... its pretty useful for slopes like games, had some problems some times ago for a rope game that needed some cool detection since the rope will bend around an heavy round object thanks man il give it a try

  • yapiiiii thank you : )

    event sheet is empty and every setting for project, scene and objects are default, thanks for asking : D

    can u snapshot the physics and the line that creates the balls and the hangs?

    btw whats ur computer cpu and graphic card? are the drivers for GPU updated?