DozeMaster's Forum Posts

  • Check the comments. 2 years of hard work, and the guy "unsubscribes because i didn't make the game from scratch", just because i said i used C2.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Do you have this issue too with some people?

    yea that guy is talking out of his monkey **** sorry for the expression but thats what he left me think about him,

    as for subscribers part, dont worrie about subscribers. they come they go, its same in religion, people will always have their own opinions, and they will come and leave as they please, not because you did a bad or good job, but because maybe wasn't their thing in the beginning. i wouldn't worrie to much. if you want to grow more subscribers just add as much content you can, update as soon, and how many times you can. in time i think youl get it where you want, congratulations on the DynoSystem its awesome to see some good game made in C2.

  • Anonnymitet


  • this is awesome, thanks for sharing

  • how you tried, floor(nr) int(nr) or round(nr)? however they wont show you the decimals at all, but the 1st number, i.e 10.012321321 its going to be 10! 11.12312312321321 will be 11 and so on.. there is another way to do it, by eliminating the number of digits to show... there was a capx in the tutorials section ... its supposed to show from a number as 12.12321312 only the amount of digits you want as specified in the event sheet lets say you cant to show only the 2 digits after the . the number will be shown as 12.12 i think thats what you want... but forgot the link, its for sure about decimals search eliminating or removing decimals in tutorial section link


    Just created a plugin called Audiostream which allows to stream and stop playing online streams.

    can we get access to it?:D if you dont mind sharing thats all, i wont mind donating or purchasing it from u

  • We need to rebuild several Flash games in HTML5. Most are not shoot 'em up games. There are online coloring, create a scene with image stamps, and learning games, such as pressing a key on the keyboard to get a letter with a representative object and sound, such as "B," "bird," "tweet tweet."

    Is Construct 2 a good tool for these types of games?


    yes all those are possible, i have a few templates that proves that and there are a few free templates(from scirra forum users) that has the sound learning techniques in them, but not sure what image stamps stands for. but im pretty sure its possible.

    as for the flood filling games like , i have a demo here, its a premium template, needs more polishing, but heh proves thats possible...

    its basically what helena said but somehow different, it involves small image parts which have an color effect, and a color table, and as Helena said it can get cpu intensive if your doing it the way i did, and forget to compress the images and cut the empty spaces..

    but however regardless the above mentions, you dont need any custom plugins in order to do it, is all possible by using c2 own effects, behaviors and objects.

  • as stupid i may sound, it does not matter how many "on start of layout" you have in your event sheet. but the reading from top to bottom does matter so if u have 10 or 20 on start of layout make sure the 1st line doesn't depend on the 2nd or 20th line "of start of layout" im always using 2 or 3 triggers of the same type but im always adding a extra condition to most of them, so it can be recognized as a different process basically its a preloading action. i hope it helped u, and hope im right about what i encountered so far.

  • Spanish comunnity??? exists?

    i think there is 1 in Portuguese but not sure check the list

  • hi,

    since scirra don't do anything about a fine export to android ! (crosswalk really slow and in the cocoonjs we can't make are own plugin like i need to make IAP for another market or ...)

    i saw the c2 project files and i can make a compiler which get c2 project file and make a unity package so you can change your game in unity and add other assets and stuf ! (so you can make a unity game but with c2 ! )

    but i want to know how many developer like to buy it ? (i will get money for each compile) i want to sure about that first because it will get so much of my time so if you want it post in this forum and say how many game you export each month (its not free and its online and i get money for each export to avoid cracking ! )

    and i want to know scirra fine with it ?

    the idea you have is quite good, and i bet a lot of developers till now think'd on it, as for license issues you should drop an email support[at]

    so as Newt said making cash out of another business its always a good thing, but .. i dont think it can be compared that way since you are doing your very own Compiler which is a business as itself, same as cordova or any other compiler. you just need to make a hybrid basically which will allow you to take the .capx code or the caproj project and transform it into a unity project, so it can be also called more of a unity plugin then a C2 compiler.. that wold be more awesome actually and will allow you to faster expand your business, since the premium ability wold be much higher, and another good thing wold be that you have 2 markets where to share your product, one is C2 one is Unity, and on the way you have to verify with each of the company what legal issues might appear, but since your compiler wold be more of a cross-platform external code, i dont think there wold be any issues legally talking. its an entirely new product so it does not affect none of the mentioned businesses above since they are Game engines and yours wont be.

    as for charging fees for each compiler? what is that some kinda of joke? nobody does that, since no1 will pay you 1 dollar for each compiling lets say. why i wold do that? i can easily use cordova its free i dont really mind the lower performance, but i wold love to have the ability to export using Unity for mobiles since its way faster. as for exporting through unity for browsers or pc,... thats crap.. its the worst idea and im telling you why.. no matter how good your computer or internet connection is, 90% of the browser /pc unity games will take around 1 minute to load the game. its just not fast enough. and the browser cpu usage is way high. i wold just limit it to mobile compiling and thats it.

    as for the fee you could add a 1 time fee and wold make you some serious cash even if you sell the product for 1 usd + processing cards fees. so lets say 2 usd per downloaded product. that will bring u a serious amount of money if you do it the right way, money that will provide you more freedom for future projects maybe the next big thing huh? just do the math, compare the sales for lets say 10,000 users at 2 usd or even 1 usd each thats a 10k -20k profit out of thin air from which you take 70% cause of the costs of transactions, possibly 90%. so a whooping 9000 -18000 usd per 10,000 downloads? man thats a good job, and i dont think you have to charge on each compiling thing, thats some extreme greed, which will make the whole idea that is pure gold, just to flap around itself.

    P.S Patent the idea ( just joking you cant patent an idea - you can patent a process of which will turn into a product based on the idea itself)

    maybe who knows someone seen my post and will develop it faster then u do, as for the flash requirements, if u manage to do all this, i bet youl figure it out how to do it, and also how to transfer the xml since you bring'd the idea on table im thinking you did some research previously and not talking theoretical as i do now.

    P.S.S ? ... if you did a research before, you know flash and html5 are not compatible.. so there is no way for you to do this unless you develop a hybrid language that supports flash libraries and html5 in 1.

    the only reason im saying is not possible is that, scirra is on market for a few years now, and unity for longer then that, along time some other bigger companies or some more able programmer wold seen the chance if it was feasible and will actually worth the time spent on the whole process of creating the thing.

    the only one that could actually do this is Unity itself, since they have to modify their own engine for c2 projects to be supported.

    Deja-vu Deja-vu...Deja-vu...


    sometimes has to be said more times then usual...

  • always waiting for updated

    thanks arieiswadi for the interest and the feedback, i know i made a list of updates which i was hoping to make them see the day light as soon as possible, however i did not had enough time to complete all this lately, but il take some time and update atleast some of them and i think most important of all wold be the social media, i might have to change the stock images used inside and reduce the number of them(which is the tedious part of this template in my opinion).

    any other opinions or glitches u might found wold help me allot, i did see a performance issue in the demo , for some reason the paint bucket when selected will create a high cpu usage after a point, also having to many objects in screen will kinda lower the performance i have to re-compress things and recheck everything i did back then, since the template was made in a 5 hrs free time rush.

    however the template does not yet achieved the sale target for the next update, 5 more to go and the new update will be available

  • It's still in development and I'm pretty much halfway done I would guess. I will post Devlog and let people try it shortly.

    It's a Multiplayer game designed for phone/tablet. So far functionality wise I'm basically done. Now i have a month or so planned creating all the graphics. I'll send you a PM with a link to the game. Don't wanna share it publicly just yet.

    oh i understand, i was thinking is already released, seen you with the same picture for long time and was starting to wander what game is it, i love those types of graphics and they just keep popping up, but you have an archer, which is my favorite sport, its the only sport that makes sense to me in this world, and in games archers are the best in my opinion. good luck with it, i`m pretty sure will be a success and thanks for the info.

    sorry for the off topic, but the topic was already answered.

  • wanted to ask u for a long time now ... i want to play that game... where i find it? is it finished? was it a kickstarter?

  • > How many events does it have?


    79 Events

    1.4 Mb

    Memory Use: 13.6mb

    u can lower the memory use by using , to many platformers

    great job though, id just make the graphics available as separate assets if not even in same asset game source

  • You could use my all plugins for free, in (commercial) templates , applications. Just tell me the link of product, I will post it on my website of plugin documents.

    My plugins will NOT be charged (i.e. free for all), because that I did not think I had enough time for custom services (consultant) -- time is money.

    awesome , ive'd seen a earlier post of this issue before, but wanted to make sure, since it was long time from then till now, its not yet a started project more of writing and designing the template right now, it will be a custom new monopoly game, more interesting then the original but with the same principle of movement by rolling dices, just wold have some additional tweaks i like to call them. when il have a working product for sure il leave u a notice, its one of my main project i had in mind for long time, and thanks to a friend that will act as investor, and some partners i meet lately now im able to make this project come to life, and hopefully will add some new shine to Construct2 and the Rex's plugins which we all love. for sure il have a short demo by end of next week since a big problem of the project will be taken by graphics, which is going to be isometric, and also wanted to ask you, is the monopoly movement able to move in isometric grid or only in the orthogonal one? it wold be awesome if wold work in the isometric grid, it will make a lot of things easier .

    never mind i figured it out, was a matter of loop indexing the right properties ,... ok so now lets get the things moving thanks Rex your awesome

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  • can i use some of your plugins for a premium assets capx i want to build? that is the question!

    its starting to bother me for a while... or do i have to license them? id be happy to donate if there was a way! also can you post for future a free license agreement, or terms of use? that wold make us the users of your plugins to be sure we dont brake some copyright laws.

    i ask about this issue because even though, its a pleasure for you to make these plugins, there is a work behind it, which by now summaries in weeks, or months, only you know what you've been through, so i can imagine if you want to change your mind, and later on make your repository premium content, thats why i ask you now this question so we all know, what can happen, if by any means, at some point the plugins turn into a company has small chances at this point, but still, i want to know is safe to use them. ive'd meet a few wrong people in past and i dont judge them, but i got burned 2 times, so i dont want to get burned again in this line of work, since its going to be total disruptive when **** happens if you understand me.

    i love your plugins, makes some of my work much easier and makes me understand way better some C2 functionalities pushing me forward to find a work-around the issues, using only default c2. but now im at 1 point where its easier to use this plugin for a monopoly like game, and as always thanks for sharing and thanks for reading this!