can i use some of your plugins for a premium assets capx i want to build? that is the question!
its starting to bother me for a while... or do i have to license them? id be happy to donate if there was a way! also can you post for future a free license agreement, or terms of use? that wold make us the users of your plugins to be sure we dont brake some copyright laws.
i ask about this issue because even though, its a pleasure for you to make these plugins, there is a work behind it, which by now summaries in weeks, or months, only you know what you've been through, so i can imagine if you want to change your mind, and later on make your repository premium content, thats why i ask you now this question so we all know, what can happen, if by any means, at some point the plugins turn into a company has small chances at this point, but still, i want to know is safe to use them. ive'd meet a few wrong people in past and i dont judge them, but i got burned 2 times, so i dont want to get burned again in this line of work, since its going to be total disruptive when **** happens if you understand me.
i love your plugins, makes some of my work much easier and makes me understand way better some C2 functionalities pushing me forward to find a work-around the issues, using only default c2. but now im at 1 point where its easier to use this plugin for a monopoly like game, and as always thanks for sharing and thanks for reading this!