j2l's Forum Posts

  • I wanted to test bottleneck but it looks like all links to p1ay.allalla.com are dead now.

    Is there another source somwhere?

  • Thanks, it helped me!

    I was looking for something like this to view and export data to csv.

    Great job!

  • The only way I just found is:

    For each row


    And action add +1 to i so basically the loop is for one line, the first one.

  • Thanks but what happens if you sort by temp first?

       Fish   Water   Temp

    2 Marlin Salt    65

    3 Gar    Fresh   74

    1 Bass   Fresh   76

    How do you get the Marlin line?

  • I read through all pages, and I couldn't find any reference, if I've repeated a previous question apologies!

    I just have one question though, can you look up rows/columns without using strings as headers for row/columns?



    rather than

    CSV.At("THIEF", "ATK")

    I did try, but I got an error saying it requires a string not an integer - so was wondering if there was a different action perhaps?

    I might be dumb but I have the same problem, how to get a specific cell without using headers, like in an array?

    I did try CSV.At("1", "1") but of course I get:

    [CSV] Expression:At - Can not find col index '1' in table.

    Because after sorting rows by col, you don't know which row will be first, I'd like to get just the first cell of second row after a sort. <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I also try to understand this kind of logic (c'est malin !)


    helps a lot.

  • Thanks Guizmus,

    Hmm, right, I'll need to improve my search logic because one argument can be found multiple times in index.

    My json file is 258k and it's pretty fast on the laptop but I wonder on a mobile device and if it's RAM related too (?).

    I also wonder if there's a limit per dimension (x,y,z).

    I thought of using long strings or integers to concatenate and do layer search but then I wonder how many digits it can handle before going to lala land and if it's also CPU (mobile battery) intensive.

  • According to the manual :

    IndexOf, LastIndexOf

    Searches the array X axis for a given value and returns the index it is found at, or -1 if not found. IndexOf finds the first matching element, and LastIndexOf finds the last matching element.

    I successfully use it.

    But I need to find all matching element in a search (more than 2).

    How to do that?

    I thought of i= array.indexOf(searchstring)+1, compare value until i=array.lastindexOf(searchstring) but I wonder if there's a way to use index and not while loops?

    For example, can we re-search index starting at lastresult+1?

    I know it might look weird but my array is 1942 long <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So far I didn't find that entries are limited which is a very good thing.

    I wonder what happens to the browser (or smartphone app) if "you go too far" and how much is "too far".

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Hey, that's what I'm looking for!

    Sorry for the delay but how would you do the javascript trick within construct2?

    capx is welcomed :)

  • I also get ""real_create_object_url" not defined" error so this plugin doesn't work for me.

  • Merci !

  • I uploaded help-yuyu in "Example" because it's my first game and I'm not sure it's ready for brodacast (your feedback is warmly welcome).

    I wonder if example category is *ONLY* for games with capx?


  • Thanks Ashley,

    It was just for people like me using Google with "site:scirra.com" <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Wow! Great.

    Your plugins are like candies! Never stop.

  • Hi,

    I had the same problem and noticed a few things you can try too:

    • It loads in Chrome and not in Firefox
    • One sprite loaded as a gray box (in Chrome).

    After checking things, the NAME of this sprite included an accentuated letter (?).

    Since C2 write the file name according to the sprite name within the project, it had got the accentuated letter.

    It was working fine on but not on remote server, so it's not a bug in C2.

    I changed sprite name and it's working fine.