The reason a folder is created for each animation is because the importer just tries to replicate what was dropped. So if you drop a folder with a bunch of images inside, that is exactly what the importer will create, a subfolder with an animation inside.
In your case, I think you will find using zip files useful.
The importer treats zip files just like a folder, with the key difference that it doesn't create a sub folder for it's contents.
Ej. 1: Create a folder, put two zip files inside of it with different images, now drop the folder into the animations pane. Doing this creates a sub folder with two animations inside of it.
Ej. 2: Drop two zip files with image content onto the animations pane. Doing this will create two different animations at the root level.
Just like a folder, a configuration file can be placed at the root of a zip file and it will affect the files down the file structure.