Pin Behavior (pin to image point) and Scene Graph/Hierarchy

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  • Hello everyone,

    On the Pin Behavior page of the Construct 3 Manual, we can read that Scene Graph is a modern built-in replacement for the Pin Behavior and we are encouraged to use it.

    "The scene graph feature is a modern built-in replacement for the Pin behavior. Consider using the Add child action to connect objects together instead of the Pin behavior. This has better support for connecting chains of objects together, and provides conditions that can pick instances across the hierarchy."

    Three questions about this :

    - Will the Scene Graph/Hierarchy will have the possibility to link a child to one of its parent's image point like Pin Behavior do ?

    - Will it also handle Rope Style and Bar Style available with the Pin Behavior ?

    - Will the pin behavior be deprecated after some point Ashley ?

  • When an instances is added as a child it keeps the relative position it had to the parent before being added. This means that although there is no built in method to add a child to a hierarchy at an image point, you can achieve the same effect by positioning an instance according to an image point and then adding it to the hierarchy using the Add Child action.

    As for Rope Style and Bar Style, I don't think those will be added into hierarchies, simply because they are very specific functionality and hierarchies are more a of a general purpose system.

    I doubt the pin behaviour will ever be deprecated because there are already tons of existing projects that use it, so we are pretty much forced to keep it around for backwards compatibility.

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  • DiegoM, thanks for your answer. It's a it confusing to be encouraged to use Hierarchy as a replacement for Pin Behavior when some functions like Pin to Image Point are not replaced.

    It would be useful to be able to link child to its parent's image point for skeleton or composite characters that has animated parts, where image point is different with each frame.

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