Content tagged image-point

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Every X seconds --> Spawn (Object) on (Object), imagepoint random(1, 12). ^. That spawns objects one on another, sometimes. I tried destroying and respawning ov...

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I have a character object I exported out of Spriter pro and imported it into Construct 3. It works fine but I'm trying to spawn a bullet object at a Image point...

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How do I load image points?
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I am quite new to Construct and I think I am failing to do something simple. I didn't find any topics talking about it. What I am trying to do is: I want my pla...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I create image points at runtime?
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Can I create and move image points at run-time?

posted 5 years ago
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image point & user media
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How's one change the image point on the user media? The image point for the user media is the top left corner. I need it in the middle, like with my sprites. Go...

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I'm trying to do some point based collision and was wondering if there's a way to quickly check if 4 specific coordinate points have a sprite under it. For exam...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I get AI followers to not stop on-top of player?
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My player has 4 followers from the game start. When they follow my player and my player stops, they continue to find path to player's central image point. So th...

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How do I get the image Point coordinates of the origin?
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I'm trying to the image point of the origin from a sprite and the result is always 200, 150. No matter where I put the origin. This is my code: ImagePointsX = p...

posted 4 years ago
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I am building a hex-based action game with chain attacks. I currently have two powers configured (the left two electric icons): One that chains across all m-typ...

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How do I make turrets aim for a different image point?
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I am making a tower defense game, and I want the turrets to aim for another image point on the enemies that Is'nt their origin. How to do this?