deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Got it. I was fiddling with the M&K events and realized the game board one was Global.

    So it was misconstruing keystrokes in multiple ways.

    It would be nice to have a global M&K that worked, so we wouldn't have to stick one in every layout, but so it goes.

    What? Weird... I caught that as well and unchecked it. But it didn't have any effect. Are you sure you didn't do something else as well?

    *doublechecking cap*


    Yeah, I just now did that and only that and Mr. Guy is still stuck and acting funny.

  • This is looking really nice. I'm glad to see you're still at it

    Keep it up, man... this is gonna be an awesome game.

  • About always turning right in mazes - that wouldn't work in part of the maze where you'd keep cycling if you stuck to your right

    Yep, if there was a floating wall in the maze then my mouse might be defeated. Luckily they're all connected

  • I have no idea what could cause that. It's like the sprite and it's collision box are somehow separated. Even with Center View on Me or manually scrolling to the sprite it won't stay centered on the screen.

    On top of that the collision seems to be off, like the grid behavior jumps to the left at start of layout and gets trapped in a wall. Or something. I really don't know what's up. It's either a bug or a corrupt .cap... I'm leaning towards bug, but I have no idea how I would recreate it or what's even causing it.

    Hopefully someone else could take a look and figure out what the problem is. And I hope you have a backup you can restore...

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  • <img src="">

    Well then.

    Honestly I didn't even consider trying the RTS behavior because I didn't think it would work with a single complex object like that. I assumed it went "around" obstacles, but not necessarily "through" them. I've hardly ever used RTS behavior before though so I'm not really familiar with it.


    Ahaha, he hates dead ends so much he poops on them. I love it.

    Really nice movement, too.

  • Aw, that's easy!

    Actually, it wasn't all that easy... it took me a lot longer than I thought it would. I thought I'd have it nailed in under an hour, but it took me closer to two. Then again, I'm not very clever

    Dude, your map is imperfect. I can't really use exact grid stuff with it!

    Yep, I ran into the same problem, though I didn't use any grid stuff. Because of the way it's drawn, I had some trouble with occasionally getting stuck because if my computer hiccuped then Mr. Mouse would drop frames and time-delta inside a wall. With a better designed maze this could be avoided pretty easily.

    Anyway, I think I have it all sorted out now. At least, the last three times I ran the maze Mr. Mouse got the cheese just fine.


    I used 8 Direction (with the controls shut off, of course). The rules for the mouse are as follows:

    1. If there is an open path to the right, he turns right.

    2. If he hits a wall, he will attempt to turn right.

    3. If he can't turn right, he will turn left.

    4. If he can't turn right or left, he will turn around and go back the way he came (this is a last resort).

    It takes him a while to get the cheese, but he gets there eventually. My method is kind of crude, but hey... it works. I'm sure someone else could come up with a much more elegant and streamlined solution.

    Like I said he might still get stuck occasionally. If so, just restart the game.

  • Yeah, there haven't really been a whole lot of apps made with Construct. It doesn't have the same versatility as something like VB when it comes to stuff like Windows controls.

    You could make all kinds of simple little apps, like a file uploader or a batch renamer or other small, single-use things like that, but for anything more complex I would say go for something more geared towards Windows development.

  • Hard to say what's wrong without taking a look at it. You should post your .cap.

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  • [quote:uylv9jgy]and dont see why it absolutly wouldn't work

    The reason that wouldn't work is because so much of the information in events is object-specific. If you had a bunch of copied text events and pasted them into a cap's event sheet, what guarantee do you have that the objects in the event exist in that cap?

    And how would you handle typos? Or improper formatting? Construct events don't worry about such things, because you can't have a typo in an event (an expression, yes, but not the event itself), and it's not possible to format the event improperly. The only errors a user can really make with events are logical errors.

    So to get pasted text to translate into events, you would need to add all sorts of functionality to Construct not only to parse text, but to check that there are no missing objects, check that the events are formatted properly, give back errors for typos and formatting and missing objects, etc. Basically you would have to re-write the entire event system from the ground up to handle all of that.

    So could it have worked? Yeah, if it had been designed that way from the beginning. But it's so fundamentally different to what Construct is now that it's really just impossible.

    But... apparently C2 will use XML, so I guess you'll be able to type until your heart is content, if that is your choice .

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  • I really, really, really don't understand this thread. Allow me to clear up any further confusion:


    And yes, you can even use events to auto-detect if a person has a 4:3 or widescreen resolution, and change the size of your playing area!

    Case closed, and thread closed.

    (P.S. - if you need any actual help making your aspect-ratio changing events, please feel free to post your attempts in Help/Tech.)

  • Use the Function object?

    <img src="">

  • I like your ship designs. And the use of distort on the hills is pretty slick looking... but it's kind of hard to tell what you can and can't fly over untill you hit something. Perhaps some sort of visual marker on your hills, like a texture of a treeline, or snow, or something like that to indicate that that part of the hill is too high to fly over.

    Also, I noticed in a couple spots that I hit the hill well before even reaching it:

    <img src="">

    I run into it at the red line, like the collision is off or something.

    I agree with PR that the enemies are too hard... I died on the first one the first time I played it because the combat was weird. I can't turn my craft fast unless I'm moving? It's not a car . So here I am, turning slowly in circles, and the enemy ship is quite literally flying rings around me blowing me to shreds because it's just out of reach of my bullets. And they have too much health, really... enemies in games are generally a lot weaker/slower/stupider than the player, so the player can slaughter dozens before being taken down, so it's kind of an odd sensation to die on the very first enemy you see.

    I did manage to kill them all on my second try by flying away from them, turning around, and letting them run into my bullets as they chased after me, but it didn't feel all that satisfying, and it got kind of old after a bit because they had so much health that it felt more like a chore than a dogfight.

    Also, the sound of the gun is really too harsh, especially when holding it down for rapid-fire. I found it to be a bit grating on my nerves.

    The AI on the enemy ships isn't bad, but it is kind of odd to see them always pointing directly at the player, especially when the player crosses over them and they flip around suddenly.

    I am interested in seeing more, though, so please don't take my criticism to hard! I only want to see you make the best game you can

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