Davioware's Forum Posts

  • Every time you post something I always say "it's awesome, I love it." Well I'm getting sick of saying "it's awesome, I love it" all the time. One of these days, you're going to make something crappy... and when that day comes I'll be there to savor every tear.

    Just kidding, it's awesome, I love it

  • its an invalid zip file. are you sure you zipped it correctly?

  • but the stretchy sprite needs to know the coordinates of the two points to stretch to.

    actually thats pretty easy to do. theres an action point on one end of the goo cylinder, and it sets its postion to one of the balls, then angles it towards the other. THEN, it always sets its width to the distance between the two balls. Remeber, width is a form of streching

  • You could just put your shadows on a new layer, make the shadows 100% opacity, and then make the layer itself 20% opacity...that will give you semitransparent shadows.

    and with that, David pwned the noobs. the end.

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/wvqper.jpg">

    lol jk , nice solution dav, had'nt thought of that.

  • last year there was over 5 feet on the sides of our driveway.

  • ....and makes me want to kick some nuts.


    yes. same here. those cashews wont know what hit em.

  • I just wanna take some quotes from that site:

    [quote:1txuj544]L�VE is created by these stunningly handsome individuals. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or comments. If e-mail is too personal for you, there's also the forum.

    [quote:1txuj544]we can now experience true L�VE via apt-get ... (^_^)/

    [quote:1txuj544]group hug the newbie thread

    Okay I cant be bothered finding more...but yeah...all I can say is...rainbows

    But the screenshots look pretty lol

    pfffffff hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • cool game. i like the music!

  • you can also> always

    -set position to scrollx+/-(mypos), scrolly+/-(mypos)

    if you hate layers.

  • that would make an amazing game.

    This game is going to be amazing

  • i have a wired 360 controller and use it on my pc all the time!!! SWEEEEEET!!!!

  • Is It possible to add the ability to specify image points to attach to when applying spring force? currently you can only select whole objects to spring together. Im geussing its a limitation of box2d?


    and don't ask him anything.

    edit: he's gone now, must have seen the post.

  • and we don't want the mario clones. or do we?

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  • can't you just make this easily with variables?