damainman's Forum Posts

  • burningcake Melting icing ray!! I see potential in this game! Cover the enemies in icing and then jump on them to knock them out when they cant move! Or instead of knocking them out absorb them to become more powerful/more hp... make the icing ray shoot further.

    Build the ideas up, make it over the top! I think you have the start of something here - keep working on it!

  • Arima I wouldn't expect anyone to sort every post on the forum, that's an crazy assumption. But as is the "Your Creations" has become a mess to sort through.

    I think it should be 3 or 4 separate places to post - 80-90% of beginners post something and then ditch it entirely. They should have their own section and if they are serious they can ask to have it bumped to a real devlog section. Never thought of a finished section, that's a great idea too. But a tech demo one is good - like I said, I myself feel stupid bumping beginners off the first page with a "look what I did" post.

  • Whiteclaws Haha! I agree - I guess a mod would have to keep that in check. I look at all of the beginner stuff though. I ignore the rep points for the most part.

    Someone could come in after having downloaded C2 and worked on something for months without asking for help - then post something short of a masterpiece. Never want to over look the noobs ;)

  • I think it might be a good idea from what I've been seeing in the "Your Creations" thread/topic to break this up into 2 or 3 sections.

    -Look what I can do (tech demos and tutorials)

    -Hello World (beginners popped cherry posts)

    -I'm old and cranky (The serious game devs)

    Just in the light of people getting mad at other bumping their own posts to the top of the first page. I admit it's a pain to post something and have it dropped down to page 3 in one night and no one see's your hard work. No one really pays attention past page 3 unless they're real hunters.

    And when you're a total novice and you hit page 3 without so much as a comment I bet that would feel downright miserable.

    So I suggest breaking the forum into 3 separate groups to be fair to ever one for what they do. I honestly feel like an *** posting a tech demo in that forum and bumping someone's work off of page one, so I don't post very often.

    Let's get some hell yeah's from the crowd Jayjay mineet !!!!


  • Tekniko Looks great, Plays great! Got a bug right off the bat:

    Player animation got stuck running the jump animation after landing.

    Another thing I noted was your fps counter etc was in the middle of the map and I assume you meant to have it on screen at all times.

    A bit slow/floaty for me but that's just a personal preference!

    Excellent Job!!

  • mineet Pirated of the Caribbean...A sim based on the movie but not really based on it at all haha! Thats a full blown 3d Pirates rip off if I remember correctly.

    What are you running for a pc? The last release of pirate came out around the original Xbox era, It should run on a netbook!

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  • mineet Thanks! No, it wasn't hard to draw at all. Just a waste of time. I should have drawn it by hand on paper, scanned and did the usual crap to make it into an 8 bit graphic but I went into "the zone" and started doing it all pixel by pixel in the editor... I could have done it on paper in 5 minutes and touched it up in the editor.

    Oh well :)

  • imVergil Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'll hopefully have a new beta/demo in the next few weeks!

    Slowly working my way towards the end of the game again ;) Stage 8 level tiles and map completed in one sitting - except for the boss area.

    <img src="http://designchris.com/ibbeta/stg8.png" border="0" />

    The catapult was interesting to draw - looked at another image while doing it and used a 14px brush to do the rough shape and then chiseled away with the erase tool and 2 other colors... and now I look at it, it's wonky.

    Think I'll be plowing through a few more tile sets/maps over the next week. Hopefully will have up to stage 11 finished shortly. Two of the stages are reused since the areas are revisited so once the castle is completed it just gets a slight alteration for stage...15 I think?

    May completely redesign the map for stage 3 - it's too open I think...

  • mineet No problem :) I've played the crap out of that game in some shape or form for the past...20 years or more haha! It's stuck in my mind pretty good. The portable versions are like crack. PSP and iOS. Also I'm wondering if Civilization is another one to look at...

    Anyhow, have fun creating!!!

  • mineet Thanks! It's pretty much finished now. Added in the missing shield for the boss, the priest explodes when the lightning hits him. Just need to do boss death animation and the code that goes with it!

  • Jase00 Well the second one isn't quite the same for me. I would have stacked jumpthru tiles to give the look of steps or different sized platforms. This bug only started for me with the last release (r136). I don't float or anything. I just get stuck like I'm in the middle of a solid.

    And the slide through the floor thing I patched up with an "if enemy hits wall then enemy.y=self.y-1" And they no longer fall through the floor.

    I went to r135 for now. With the above patch I now have no issues aside of the silly hitting the platform from the side causes a millisecond delay from falling.

  • Tokinsom This is the bug I'm getting as well. Pre r130 I had no issues. Then things bumping into the wall started forcing their way through platforms with the jumpthru behavior. Then this build (r136) I just get stuck the second I hit a second platform tile if I'm already walking on one.

    To remedy the older problem I've inserted:

        IF (family)Enemy collides with (family)Wall then Enemy.y=self.y-1

    Gravity pulls them through the jumpthru platfrom - at least in my case.

  • I think this is all part of the same issue I'm having. It's all an issue with how the sprite is being detected against the jumpthru platform. I'm pretty sure r130-131 didn't have these issues. I'm about to check it out. I'll report back.

  • mineet Yeah, I'd say one of the top 5. You sink a ship, you plunder it's goods. You go to a dock you can trade said goods for other goods or money. Also each ship has a limit to how much it can hold. Very simplistic. But it would be no different than selling something as far as programming goes. Money is a variable and say...livestock is also a variable. You'd set up a ratio for those two - 1 livestock = 20 money. etc etc.

    Different towns or traders depending on how you want to handle it can offer things at a different ratio (I'm terrible at math so someone else would have to help you there. One trader offers you $20 per Livestock, another offers $15 but may offer you $20 for sugar for example.

  • Jase00 You just outlined every issue I'm having. I'm back on r132 so I can't check the 3rd issue you're having. But the 2nd issue you've described is the new issue I'm having and the reason I'm back on r132.

    Ashley I work full time and this is my night time hobby - if I get a chance tonight, I'll write a capx that shows the issues Jase00 described above. It should be nothing more than a player sprite, and stacked jumpthru objects that cause the issue. Maybe on my break I can whip something up too...