CowboyToadTeam's Forum Posts

    I don't have much more to add, other than: yep, that sounds like a graphics driver bug. I've seen such issues plaguing software and game development ever since I started coding around 20 years ago. They're a total nightmare.

    Your best bet is still to try to get in touch with AMD - or perhaps report it to the browser vendors who may be able to figure out a workaround. For our part, even if we wanted to try to help, we'd have to start by ordering in affected hardware and building a system that reproduces the issue, which may then not reproduce the issue because it actually depends on something we haven't figured out yet; even if we reproduce it, it may be impossible to work around in our engine anyway, in which case we're back to square one. I've attempted such things in the past and generally it's hopeless, so it's best to follow up with browser vendors or the GPU vendor who are generally better prepared to deal with such issues.

    If using WebGPU works around it but there are other issues, you can report those to us, or list them here if they are already reported, and I will try to prioritize them. The architecture of WebGPU allows for much simpler drivers, which should hopefully make cases like this much rarer. In the long term our goal is to move to WebGPU by default and ultimately (probably very far in future) retire support for WebGL.

    I know you said you don't want to support features with bugs but the only fix right now is still with compositing mode, I'd once again like to kindly request that you bring it back in some form and maybe hide it behind unsupported warnings etc.

    ANYONE looking to make a 3d game with construct is not able to do so without complaints because of this bug.

  • Was this ever solved?

  • It would be nice if this issue was taken a bit more seriously, webview doesn't have the best support with Steamworks as of now, so for those looking to launch on steam, they'd need to use NWJs which has a supported steamworks connection, however they will just get loads of bad reviews and complaints from AMD users because this glitch still happens.

    We're just asking for the compositing mode to be enabled again because that at least fixed the issue.

    Hi! You need to use version r388-2 and switch compositing mode to low-latency, and make sure "use worker" and "enable web gpu" are set to NO.

    You have to use that specific version of construct because they don't support the compositing mode feature anymore.

  • Thank you for replying!

  • I'm currently stuck using version r388-2 because it is the last version with the "Compositing Mode" feature in the advanced project settings. This feature is crucial as it ensures correct rendering of 3D projects on certain AMD GPUs.

    I've noticed that in a project exported with r388-2 using NWJs, the data.json file contains the following line:


    However, in the same project exported with the latest version of Construct (which removes the Compositing Mode toggle), the corresponding line changes to:


    I'm wondering if I can use the latest version of Construct and manually add "low-latency" to the data.json file after export to reactivate it. Alternatively, has the Compositing Mode feature been removed entirely, rendering this modification ineffective?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks Ashely! I appreciate the support. Someone else said they fixed the problem by enabling the old low-latency mode, if that helps.

    UPDATE: The issue comes from "--in process-gpu", however removing this removes the steam overlay support.

    Thanks Diego, these play testers have said they have updated drivers.

    I still don't know if it's a bug or if its a project setting, I was wondering if anyone had any idea what could be happening or if perhaps they had one of the graphics cards listed.

    Some of the play-testers, for my game, with specific AMD GPUs appear to have a 3D rendering sorting issue like below:

    The affected cards are as follows:

    AMD RX 6650 XT

    RX 7800XT

    RX 6700XT

    rx 6800s

    RX 5700 XT

    I have tested it on a Radeon 580 and the glitch did not occur, which leads me to believe it could be related to the new architecture of these newer cards. (RDNA 1 / 2)

    I didn't do a bug report on this issue because I do not have access to the newer cards and so I can't replicate it for myself. And also because I can't be sure that this isn't just something to do with the Web GPU settings that my game has enabled.

    Does anyone have any idea what this could be? This glitch has never appeared on any other graphics card.

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  • Thank you!

  • Does anyone know what string is returned from platform info > renderer detail if you have an AMD card? I assumed “AMD” but it’s not.

  • Ashley is this even possible? :(

  • I’ve tried other browsers and unfortunately nothing :( other projects sounds work so it must be something to do with my project