CowboyToadTeam's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for the reply! The touch on tap event didn't work either but I did get these error messages:

    Perhaps it could be one of these?

  • I'm currently stuck with this infuriating bug in which none of the audio files in my game play on preview, I've opened other projects and copied those sound files and the exact line of code used to play it and it doesn't seem to work in my specific project.

    for instance:

    This does nothing. But in other projects it would work. (I've also tried putting the sound effects in the music or sounds folder but that doesn't work either)

    I think I've figured out that it must be something to do with the project as a whole, video audio works, and preload sounds is checked, have I accidentally unchecked something that makes it so sounds and music will just never play?

  • The positional audio feature works fine in 2D, but when making a 3D first person game, there is an issue.

    As I understand it, the panning is calculated based on the source's position on the layout relative to the listener - however, this would only work in 3D if the player was only ever facing north.

    To produce correct LR audio, the angle of the listener would need to be taken into account.

    Could anyone suggest a workaround, or even explain if a workaround is possible? If not, this would be a great feature to see in an update. Thanks!

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  • Create a sine behaviour for the player, and set it to affect Z elevation. I have mine set to:

    Wave: Sine

    Period: 4

    Period Random: 0

    Period Offset: 0

    Period Offset Random: 0

    Magnitude: 0.1

    Magnitude Random: 0

    Hope this helps

  • Use

    -> Mouse On movement | Rotate camera by Mouse.Movement.X/12 and Mouse.Movement.Y/12 polar angle range 0 to 180

    Even though it's for mouse look, touch control will automatically use the same script.

    Hope this helps