How Do I Restore "Compositing Mode" in the Latest Construct Version

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  • I'm currently stuck using version r388-2 because it is the last version with the "Compositing Mode" feature in the advanced project settings. This feature is crucial as it ensures correct rendering of 3D projects on certain AMD GPUs.

    I've noticed that in a project exported with r388-2 using NWJs, the data.json file contains the following line:


    However, in the same project exported with the latest version of Construct (which removes the Compositing Mode toggle), the corresponding line changes to:


    I'm wondering if I can use the latest version of Construct and manually add "low-latency" to the data.json file after export to reactivate it. Alternatively, has the Compositing Mode feature been removed entirely, rendering this modification ineffective?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • It's not supported and has been removed entirely. I don't believe it actually had any legitimate use and the main impact it has was to cause a bunch of bugs in other areas.

    I'm afraid we will not support a feature just because it works around a bug in a graphics driver. In that case the graphics driver needs to be fixed, not Construct.

  • Thank you for replying!

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