Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • Update:-

    1.) It is working perfectly working on PC (chrome)

    2.) Image size is 2758 X 4152. Can large resolution be the real culprit ?

  • Hello,

    I am using "file chooser" to load user images (html project). But issue is that I am facing a very weird issue

    Image size is only 1 .8 MB. Whereas I can load another image 3 times bigger in size

    Can anyone tell why this is happening?

  • Hi,

    In my project I have to load images from user mobile into a sprite. I use "file chooser" for it. It is meant for mobile devices ( will run on browser )

    The weird & scary issue I found is that it "ignores" some file :- like if I select an image to load, it just ignores it. Initially I thought that it is due to size but I was soon proved wrong. And all are jpg format.

    I want to look for errors. How to do it on mobile? Like I can press f11(or f12, don't remember exactly 😁) and look for red lines of errors

  • On the heals of my much bigger project (also using Construct 3) I decided to try my hand are releasing some Generative Art NFTs. In my case it was arcade cabinets and I discuss it here

    Construct 3 worked pretty well for this. Creating 10,000 images by taking canvas snapshots had it's issues, but in the end I was able to make it work without melting my computer :).

    It's always fun to use Construct 3 for something other than a game and it worked perfect for what I wanted it to do. is born thanks to Construct 3.

    Just wanted to share. Keep up the amazing work Scirra

    I want to learn more about NFT. Any good sources?

  • BTW how did you searched for the link?

    Because I now want to also see and obviously I don't want to ask everytime in the forum regarding it

    Thanks Again

  • That was the old link, you can read them now here:

    Thanks a lot !!!

  • I want to read

    But I can't access it. Any idea how to read it?

    Tom please help

  • There are plenty of tutorials and forum posts about optimizing performance, but with 40k sprites you're going to have to do a lot to keep the game running smooth. Disable any behaviours on objects which don't need them all the time. Creating/destroying puts a fair bit of strain on the CPU, too, so look into object pooling if you're doing that often. Use render cells where possible.

    It's also worth looking into alternative ways of rendering the sprites, like with tiled backgrounds or tilemaps instead of sprites.

    More than anything, make sure that you're testing everything that you do. Set up a benchmark with a target FPS, and make adjustments based on evidence. Every project is unique, so there's no real one-size-fits-all solution.

    Thanks for the reply. Actually all sprites are distinct hence can only use sprites

  • Honestly, my main goal when optimising a game with 40000 sprites would be trying to think of clever ways to not have 40000 sprites.

    I'm not saying you should delete stuff from your game, but there might be a smarter way to do this. For example, if you've got a giant map with 5000 tree objects on it - do you really need to have all those trees in memory given that you can only see a few of them at once? Maybe you could just have an array that remembers where the trees are, keep a stock of say 100 trees, and then just teleport them into position when necessary. Looks the same to the player, but waaay less stuff sitting around in memory.

    Or: are there any sprites that you don't really need to have in memory? Eg. maybe you have a bunch of invisible spawner objects that populate the map with enemies or whatever. Well, once the spawners have done their job they can be deleted, right? No need for them to be taking up memory any more.

    You can also put objects that don't move a lot (eg scenery items) onto a layer together and enable render cells for that layer. This might improve your performance, but it doesn't always - you should test.

    If you let us know more details about your game, how it looks and how it works, we can make more detailed suggestions for ways you can optimise it :)

    Thanks for the advise. All sprites are stationary. When touched they get deleted (that's it)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • You can also put objects that don't move a lot (eg scenery items) onto a layer together and enable render cells for that layer. This might improve your performance, but it doesn't always - you should test.

    Ashley will this have any effect on performance?

  • Hi everyone,

    I am working on a project where I am dealing with 40000 sprites (each approx 20kb in size). Obviously all sprites are not present on screen (zoomed on a particular section hence only approx 100 sprites visible at a time)

    Can you please help me with tips to boost up the performance

    For example :- I have switched off collision for all sprites hence increase in performance is seen

  • Your game is a collection of generic games with poor art. There are possibly thousands of other similar games on the play store and many more are better presented.

    While you may think that having multiple games inside the one app is your point of difference and something that users would want, have you conducted any research to determine if that is true?

    It could be argued that users would not want multiple games inside a single app, as it's just another step and another decision they have to make to get to the game they want to play. For example, it is unlikely a user would enjoy all of the games, maybe they have one or two favourites. Where is the advantage of them having to open your app, and then make another selection to get to their favourite, rather than just accessing it from their home screen.

    Just things to think about. But all that aside, your app has positive reviews on Google Play and you have have successfully published it, so congratulations and don't be too hard on yourself.

    If this analysis is on basis of screenshots on the play store,then it's fine. I have to start working on screenshots & just give a touch to assets in my game

    Otherwise,there are puzzles and english games too (they are alloted a different sections) which have no connection with graphics.

  • Hi everyone,

    I know that this is not the correct section to post this but I don't have any other option either

    I had been working on my game since last 3 years. I have input a lot of hard work & dedication in it. And at last I released my game on play store

    But nobody gave me a reply on the "show your game" section. Literally no one. Infact I had to delete my post in shame

    Is my game really that bad? No one even provided their criticism back(I am always open to hardcore criticism). But it feels like a punch when no one even comment back on your work where you worked on for last 3 years. Even Scirra ignored my promotion request (truly speaking,I was not hurt because they did not gave me a hand. I was hurt because they did not provided me criticism so that I can start working on them)

    Request:- please provide me criticism so that I can start working on them

    Few things I have start working on

    1.) I have divided my game into 4 parts & will release them individually

    2.) I have made arrangements to replace all trash graphics (like simple squares). It looks better in new version

    3.) I have also made arrangements to replace all number in puzzle section. It looks better in new version

    Thanks for reading this

  • Hi everyone,

    I was giving a check to different types of ads. I gave a good amount of search to the topic but I didn't got the concept properly

    What is the difference between interstitial,rewarded & rewarded interstitial ads? I am specially more confused between rewarded & rewarded interstitial ads

  • Congratulations for the release. Looks great. Also try for mobile platform

    BTW how did you made the trailer video? I need tips regarding the same