Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • I want to harness the use of back button as most of users are habitual to using it rather than back button in the gameplay

    So, how to make back button work?

  • Beautiful game. Keep it up 👍

  • And make sure everything is in 'testing' mode until you are exporting the final version! I have been flagged because I ran one too many requests from the same device.

    Yeah,very important advise. They are very quick in banning admob accounts

  • Thanks for the reply

  • Update:- It will happen in future. But I wonder how will the system work? Like first upload the app without ads,feed the link to them and then in next update add ads to the project

  • Hi everyone,

    Earlier, to add admob in my games, I simply use to generate ad codes (like for interstitial or video ad etc) and used to feed it in my app. It perfectly worked

    But now some are telling me that the system has changed. First I will have to upload my app on play store. Then at Admob site I will have to feed link of my app. They will check my app and decide if app is worthy enough for admob or not. Then I will have to add ads in my game

    Is it really true? Please ignore my foolishness if I said anything wrong

  • This has no relation to Admob.

    This is just a policy from Google that you are not allowed to update apps from other sources than Google Play, and you are not allowed to alter other app than your own, basically.

    It is also a policy that the app should follow Google quality standard, which normal Corvova/C3 apps unfortunataly do not do.

    But you should be fine. Just mark the message as "archive" in your console.

    Thanks for the reply ❤️

  • Is your game exported with the updated release of Mobile Advert in R257 and later ?

    Have you followed the changes to the plugin from R254 and updated accordingly ?

    If not, then you should and this message would be of no worry.


    Thanks for the reply

    This message will be received by ALL of the developers who have account for play console.

    BTW any idea about my first query?

  • I got message from Google Play Console and it was having something like this

    "We're clarifying the Device and Network Abuse policy to prohibit apps or SDKs with interpreted languages (e.g., JavaScript) loaded at run time from violating any Google Play policies."

    Is this fine?

    And please be sure to read the latest email send by play console. They have changed many things like :-

    "We’re updating our Ads policy to indicate changes in the usage of Android advertising ID. When a user deletes the Android advertising ID on a newer device, the advertising identifier will be removed and replaced with a string of zeros."

  • Beautiful game

    How much time did it took to make the game?

  • Cross platform? I didn't got it.

    I use Google free web fonts for my game.

    Regarding different languages, you will have to use different fonts for particular language. In my opinion at least give a font to few languages like English if not possible with other languages

    And yeah as I recall, the size of fonts for few languages were very huge in size,so maybe it may cause issues

  • Work on fonts. And again, focus now on promotion part.

    But still app is absolutely great. How much time did it took to make the app ?

  • Work on fonts. And again, focus now on promotion part.

  • Oh my god! It is a very beautiful game. Keep it up

    Start working on promotion part now

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  • DiegoM Banner ads overlapped content before as well. Its up to the developer to make sure nothing is placed behind the banner. The way it is now is NOT a bug. I repeat it is not a bug.

    I was also confused regarding this.

    BTW won't would it be great if this happens? Maybe as another feature so that current users implementing banner are not affected. I mean it would be so easy to implement banner ads without caring about anything else (like specially designing games for implementing banner ads). It would significantly increase revenue of existing game developers