Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • chill they got the message it'S the weekend

    Completely rubbish

    Spending weekend doesn't mean that you have right to strip someone's weekend. I lost 2 days of productivity.

  • They will keep all their saved data as long as you don't change the saving mechanics.

    In addition, if a user deleted the app without clearing the app data and cache, this will be restored if they reinstall the app on the same device.

    Thanks for the reply 👍. Relieved to hear that

  • As stated,what will happen to save files in android platform if I issue a new update? Will they get deleted? Or something extra. This is important because I don't want to upset my new customers

  • Laura_D


    Can you please look into the issue. Today is Saturday & servers are not working properly

  • Whenever I try android export,after process & project upload,the message at left bottom side says "Build Service: Waiting to build". After waiting for few minutes,it says "Lost connection"

    Any issues going with servers?

  • It would be awesome for android export too. My situation is quite similar

  • When you are exporting your game, use "no minification"

  • If you can't export then report it as a bug

    That is done & it will be solved in next beta but ofcourse I can't wait for new beta just to open my project

  • Hi everyone,

    I made few modifications in my project using latest beta version. But issue is that I can't export android because the resultant file simply doesn't run(hangs on startup).

    Hence for export I have to revert to older version (stable). But another issue is that it is unable to open the file as it is saved in newer version.

    Any idea how to cope with it?

  • Actually it was a bug

    If you export the project using advanced minification then you will face this bug. Otherwise if you export the project using no minification then ads will run fine

  • it will only show the first time.

    Love you 💗 💕

  • Normally you should have it set yes.

    (It is for GDPR/Consent for european users)

    Super thanks for the quick reply

    I was wondering that won't would it irritate the users as every time they start the app the form will be shown?

  • Hi,

    Last question left regarding admob. After that I am set for the beautiful journey(my all issues are solved. Actually it was a bug which will be solved in next beta)

    In mobile advert, should I tick "Show on startup"? (It is just below the "test mode"). BTW I am currently aiming for android release

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  • it should be working just fine.

    Do you load a new ad instance after the first one is shown? because you canot play the old one twice.

    If you know how to use Android Studio, you can view the log while you pey your game, and see what is happening and when..

    Umm.. weird observation

    I used to export my game using "advance minification".Now when I exported using "no minification", everything worked PERFECTLY

  • > Can you post the code? Because my pc is crap but construct 3 works like butter on my pc

    Not C3, only the typewriter text function. Other functions like Physics that are undoubtedly mmuch more CPU intensive work fine.

    I meant that almost every feature including typewriter works smooth. Maybe the issue is in your code