I want to read scirra.com/blog/ashley/14/how-render-cells-work
But I can't access it. Any idea how to read it?
Tom please help
That was the old link, you can read them now here: https://www.construct.net/en/blogs/ashleys-blog-2/render-cells-work-921
Thanks a lot !!!
BTW how did you searched for the link?
Because I now want to also see scirra.com/blog/ashley/6/collision-cell-optimisation-in-r155 and obviously I don't want to ask everytime in the forum regarding it
Thanks Again
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Take the name of the article and do a Google site search...
site:www.construct.net collision-cell-optimisation-in-r155
Or look at Ashley's main blog page and sort by oldest first. It was the 3rd article listed.
I must admit I constantly wonder why Scirra don't set up proper 301 redirects for all this old material. It's a bit of a facepalm that they've just let a decade's worth of links to legacy knowledge and insights get broken.