ByR's Forum Posts

  • In fact the IAPs worked fine for me in older versions, but the problem was restoring purchases, i hope they fixed it!

  • we should ask in twitter & facebook, there is the only way to get attention...

  • has anyone dived in to see if restore purchases is working? I'm about to get into it... I'll let you know if I'm able to get anything going

    russpuppy not right now, but ludei want info about the problem: ... t-42413903

  • Exactly, when you sign the apk, the leaderboards work, so you can try them before upload the game to google play.


    Extrapolate to construct, it's not complicated and i think that its very cool.

  • I sent you a pm, i posted the screenshot in the github issue too

  • ArcadEd Hey! I know that usually you test the games with emulator or something like that, ludei is asking in my post if we can give them some info about restore purchases problem: ... t-42413903

    Right now i tested it in a published game, a friend purchased the premium version of my game and then we tested if the "restore purchases" works, so i haven't any log to help ludei, have you something? Maybe we can get this option fixed soon!

  • What error does it give when you try the restore purchases? Is there any info you can give that can be reported to Ludei so it can be fixed?

    Is it not working in iOS and Android? Any log messages when you try that can give an indication as to what is wrong?

    It was tested by a friend that purchased the premium In-app of one of my games, so i can't get errors.

    When you restore purchases, in theory, the event "on purchase completed" is triggered, but didn't happen.

    Another thing, i thought that the problem with banners was fixed (it appears every minute even if its hidden), well, this bug is not fixed, i saw it yesterday too

    P.D.: sorry for my english ^^

  • Restore purchases doesn't work yet, tested today

  • Thanks for the links. I readed them before, in fact, my game works fine even when reach 130-150 objects in mobile, but my only problem are the 10-15 first seconds of gameplay, and i can't find documentation about my problem.

    The idea of loading screen is nice, but 15 seconds are too much. I don't know if the problem is because at the beginning, the game is transfering all the objects to the memory, if that's the problem, then showing all the possible objects at the start of the game should work. I will test it.

  • The real questions for me are:

    Which version of the cloud compiler are you using: 2.0 beta, 1.4.7?

    Does the restore purchases option actually work?

    Does everything work on iOS as well?

    Do the Mopub/Admob ads work on iOS? (Fullscreen and Banner?)

    And finally, do we still have the issue with banner ads showing even after you hid them?

    -I used 2.0, worked fine

    -I need to know this too!!

    -It worked in iOS in the last version so i think yes.

    -I dont know, but in android works

    -I think that its fixed, i tried it in one of my games and its gone, hidden banners don't appear again.

    If restore purchases is fixed, then i will remove the ads.

  • But i should show (behind the fake loading screen) all the objects or it's not necessary? I thought the problem is that the game is loading the resources in memory so when it finishes, the game runs fine, is this the problem?

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  • Hi,

    I wonder if someone have the same issues with cocooonJS, let me explain:

    I have a game that runs fine in my tablet (nexus 7 old version) in the menus, then i begin to play and the first 5-15 seconds the fps are low, like 10-20. After that, the game runs fine, 50-60fps and then if i don't close the game i haven't more slowdowns, but that first seconds of gameplay are horrendous.

    Someone know if there is a solution? Like make a loading screen showing all diferent enemies/sprites in a hidden layer (so memory can load all before play) or something?

  • Is it working in a mobile (android) /google version yet? any testers... I tried it last Friday and it froze on ludei's logo thing. Haven't been able to test anymore during the weekend. Still going to try again but since it takes around 24hours for google to make it available to me It's still gonna take me a while to find out.

    Yes, it's working perfectly, see my last game: ... leWave.byr

    The thing is, if you do the game in java, you have options for catch the whole list of records of the day, of the week and totals. In the plugin we can only catch our record and position, so it's impossible right now to make a custom leaderboard ingame. Someone know if it's possible to add these options if we add them to the plugin?

  • russpuppy Thanks, you are right!