> Does anyone know if Cocoonjs + mopub has the latest SDK support for Admob? Just wondering because of how google is going to be phasing out ad support for old admob sdks in August
Which one is the old AdMob?
Atm I'm working with the 2nd one.
Edit: There was also the 2nd one but an older version. I'm confused because AdSense can use to monitor AdMob Ads with lots of reporting features.
yeah you should be using apps.admob.com, but I'm actually talking about the version of the Admob download SDK that is integrated into app, not the Admob version of the web interface
from an email I received from Admob:
[quote:103pmy7v]Upgrade to the latest SDK
Having the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK in your app can help you achieve higher eCPMS and increase fill rates. Our latest SDKs introduced support for anonymous device identifiers (such as Android Advertising ID and Apple's Advertising ID) so advertisers can track ad campaign results and improve their return on investment. You can benefit from increased investment in apps by advertisers by ensuring your app uses the latest SDK.
Additionally, starting from August 1st, the Google Play store will stop accepting new or updated apps that do not include Advertising ID. Please take this chance now to upgrade your SDKs and prepare for the deadline.
so the admob SDK needs to have the advertising ID included