ByR's Forum Posts

  • As I said in the subject, Is possible to calculate que exact position of a word in a text object? I want to do a special trivia game and i need that some words of a text can be clickable, and the text is not known so i need to calculate the position of the words.

  • Hey ByR (I hope this will notify you)

    Seen your PM, but can't awnser because of being new in this forum.

    So, the test thing you sent me is running at 38fps on my computer (but sometime it drops at 30fps for like one second or less but that's okay)

    But in the test there's basically nothing that was making he frame rate dropping. Like having a soul created (I was usually losing 5fps for this, more or less, depending on the lvl) or having the shaders activated.

    Thanks, the test has a little code (near nothing) so i'm aware it's not a code problem, so i can't fix it, because removing objects or effects is not an option. I think that with node-webkit in a window the performance is improved, i will upload it today.

    I'm getting 60 fps, no problems here

    Thanks! In general people get 60fps but there are some hardware where not, and it's not too old for that


    -LEVEL7: bottom part changed

    -LEVEL8: completly new

    -LEVEL 9: modified to be more clear

    -GRAPHICS: I'm making some changes and i will change more things today, like shadows, spikes or bricks.

    example "after/before":

    another example:

  • While i saw the mechanic before, your style is a lot better, and the idea of using it with a sweep for mobiles is great. I love the graphics!

  • Lvl 12 couldn't be finished i think, i just uploaded a new version with some changes. I hate the fps issue because i don't know where the bottleneck is, but i will try to do it better. I'm thinking on redoing all the code because some things were donde long time ago and now C2 have features that help with these things.

    Things changed right now:

    -If you die with a soul released, you come back to the soul and don't die. The game is WAY less frustrating with this.

    -Checkpoints doesn't save souls anymore

    -Lvl1: Changed to be a better training to the player

    -Lvl3: spikes are more depth but now you cant die with a soul released so... doesn't matter. Anyway, i think that the level is not a teaching one so maybe i change it.

    -Lvl4: removed some spikes, the player can learn here that falling boxes in the head hurts a lot.

    -Lvl5: & 6 switched Tutorial text removed

    -Lvl 7: less slimes, I'm thinking about how to change the last part.

    -Lvl12: now has solution.

    More bugs can appear i will continue testing the new mechanics.

  • Wow, thats a deep analysis, thanks a lot!! I will try to answer you:

    -The game is inspired in escape goat and some other games so you are right.

    -I don't know if you are playing the last version, if you don't see a crappy title screen then is the old one, in the new one i reduced the number of objects and collision checks by 2 or 3 times so the game should run smoother. Please try to refresh or delete the cookies of the game and tell me fps again.

    -The problem with the jump is because of FPS, so maybe now feels better. About the "jump to the spikes" mechanic, i will try to place the spikes farther.

    -The respawn with soul is intended, but now you said it i think that maybe i can remove it, but then i should be more careful when i design the levels.

    -LEVEL1: You are right, the idea is to teach that you need to press a button to open the door, but the positioning of the objects is not correct

    -LEVEL3: this mechanic can be frustrating in slow machines but i will try to put the spikes farther as i said

    -LEVEL5-6 i will switch them, you are totally right in this one.

    -LEVEL7: again, the fps problems. At 60fps the level is easy but i will try to make the "third floor" a bit easier. The fireball one is to teach the player that fireballs can kill slimes but well, i can design a whole new level for that.

    -LEVEL8: Maybe it's a bit hard to discover how to play it, you are right, i want to maintain the mechanics in the level but i will try to do it more clear.

    -LEVEL9-10: this level is a very old one, I will change it soon, it's more a placeholder than anything. Anyway, i never thinked about that situation, that's why i should not test the levels . And level 10 is a boss that i dont like it so much but it's only to see the concept.

    -LEVEL SELECT: right now you can select the level you play pressing 1,2,3,4...0. I'm working in a level selection screen but with 10 levels it's fine and i want to do other things first.

    -Even you can continue playing after level 10, the levels are not tested so, test them if you want but they will change for sure.

    THANKS A LOT for your impressions and constructive criticism

    EDIT: I just have an idea, what do you think about if you have a soul out and die, you return to your soul? The game will be a lot less frustrating and the feel of "power" is greater.

  • Hello everyone, as a goal for 2015, I will try to put this game in greenlight and pass it!

    Right now i'm working in all the media needed for this, and trying to make a fanbase, I need to make a website too. When i have all the media prepared, i will sign up in greenlight

    The game is a puzzle/platformer (more puzzle than platformer) where you are a dark wizard that was jailed by his brother. You must escape using your dark powers and kill him.

    The main idea is to make at least 50 levels more or less accesible, with new game mechanics every 10 levels. Then i want to add another 25 optional and more complex levels.


    Arrows = moving (if i must tell you other controls, something is wrong in my game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">)

    Test it here (new link)

    If you played this game before, my advice is to delete cache from, or you wont see the new version.

    Its a BETA version. All levels are opened but you should play them in order. If you see something wrong, please, tell me.



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    Screenshots: (How can i make them smaller?)

  • I remember about a year ago i tried to publish some games in samsung market and they didn't accept them. Their testers sent me several videos where my games stopped working and gave problems when minimized. I tested in several models and only happened in some samsung devices. I used cocoonJS, I hope this helps.

  • Same here, i have problems with some projects that have the cocoonJS plugin, i would like to know a solution to at least, remove the cocoonJS component from the project!

  • how are you doing the darkened sides of the screen?

    For example:

    webGL -> vignette effect

  • Thanks, i tried with 32x32 tiles and worked! I thought that the power of 2 recomendation was because the images are saved as power of 2 size anyway, but clearly affects to display too

    Sorry for my english.

  • Here is your example modified with my parameters. Tilemap at right, sprites at left, all with sampling: point

  • I don't know if i'm doing something wrong but i have this differences between tilemap and sprites:



    In both cases i'm using sampling point but it's not applied in tilemaps, here an example with sampling linear:

    It's a problem with tilemap object? there is a solution? because i can't make a tile-based game drawing tiles with sprites, the performance is not goood <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • I want to make a roguelike/platformer and this is what i have after 4 days. The graphics will be replaced in the final version, the level generator does a decent work but im thinking in change some things because there are too many situations where you must backtrack and it's boring:

    2 example generations:

    And here is how it will be played

  • I really love that ludei continues supporting construct2, but i think that it's better to fix the problems in existing features before make new ones.

    Restore purchases doesn't work in android and never worked before. We can't monetize with IAPs without this function so please, fix it!

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  • My fastest game was Triangle wave, in 2 days, maybe 10-14 hours i can't remember:

    Android: ... leWave.byr

    Web: ... index.html

    Simple game with leaderboards ,achievements and some social media. I spend more than 3 hours trying several menu designs because i wanted to keep it simple.