Well, I am playing with JohnnySheffield stable zackmod and I can't see why anyone would ever need other. It is simple, it is great and I was able to "solve" all the problems I've found.(well, my project is not working on firefox and IE... but that is all)
If you fell that there is a urge for server-side high-level-programming, and you are only trying to get things on a easier way, so, I would advice you to produce on construct2 a drag-and-drop-and-save system for creating and managing socket.io server side code, that and a true guide of how to use the mod would help greatly the community.
First you can design the spawn, then the enemy spawn, then the NPC spawn and his sync solution(be it controlled by the first client connected or by other way), then the basic functions and animations, then a socket.room system based on distance from sprites...
But your project is just great also.