Blacksmith's Forum Posts

  • GenkiGenga, No problem!

    Ahhh, I see, so this is what RookieDev was after. It all makes sense now, nice example :)

  • RookieDev,

    Not quite sure I understand what you are after, but I'll try to help if I can! Could you try to give me a more detailed explanation?

    Sounds like you could achieve what you want by just limiting the players Y movement! But like I said, maybe I'm not fully understanding what it is you are trying to achieve!

    I'm going to be out for most of today, so probably won't be able to look at it until tomorrow.

    Or perhaps, you could start another thread for this specific question, and someone else may be able to help you in the meantime!

  • RookieDev,

    No problem, I'm happy to try and help out, when I can.

    I've always found the forum users to be a very friendly and helpful bunch as well!

    Hope you enjoy creating with C2!

  • Hi RookieDev,

    Welcome to Construct 2. If you want to get someone's attention, you just have to remember to put the symbol followed by their name (e.g. RookieDev).

    To download the latest construct build, just click on the Construct 2 tab (at the top of the page), then select the downloads tab, then latest beta tab (alternatively just click here)

    Hope that helps.

    Edit: GenkiGenga 's way is lot faster and I hadn't noticed that before, so I'm glad I was able to learn something new as well! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Ashley, thank you.

    Paradox, very useful info, I'll definitely give those a try :)

  • Hi Ashley, Tom,

    Love the additions, of auto-complete and syntax colouring in r128, very smooth.

    Would it also be possible to add a highlight function, so when you click on an item in the event sheet (a variable for instance), it will highlight all of the places you've used said item.

    Once my projects become quite large, I sometimes find it difficult to track the little buggers down ;)

    Thanks, and as ever fantastic work!

  • LittleStain,

    That's some really nice work, and a very kind offer, thank you!

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hahaha, a good start to my day!

    Nice post ;)

  • damainman,

    No problem, glad I could help out :) Good luck with development, I look forward to the next instalment (the boss enemies sound very cool)!.

  • robin Sommer, I really hope you do, release a demo. You've clearly taken a lot of time and effort to get everything looking so good. It would be a real shame not to share your creation with the rest of the world.

    Anyway good luck, I'll keep an eye on your progress :)

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  • robin Sommer,

    Really like the atmospheric look of your project (very spooky)! I'm looking forward to future developments and a playable demo!

    Nice work!

  • Yes, I had the same problem about an hour ago (Grrrrr!!!).

    I know it's good practise to make regular saves, and I do most of the time. But sometimes it can catch you off guard! Certainly some kind of timed save would be a nice addition.

  • Yes, website is still behaving a little screwy! But I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

  • era,

    I'd also love the opportunity to do this. But as you say, it is important to choose the right time (and the right game). I hope that one day my games will be of a high enough standard to realise this possibility.

    Good luck to you and NotionGames, I really look forward to seeing your creations on PS4 :)

  • mochakingup,

    No problem, happy to try and help. I look forward to seeing the finished game :)