bclikesyou's Forum Posts

  • Recently implemented a hugging mechanic in our game, because why not.

    Click image for better quality

    purplemonkey This is looking really wonderful!

    I peeped your dev log over at TIG and had a question: You mention not reusing art assets. Have you done any test exports with nw.js to see how it runs? Not doubting, just curious!

  • // Brief update //

    Switched all of my enemies over to families. Definitely cut a bunch of my code down by a ton and organized everything nicely.

    Then I discovered this thread and Tokinsom 's way of using functions with families. I knew that I needed to learn functions and UID's. I struggled with it for a few days and then over the weekend while on vacation with some friends, I sat down with my friend who does a lot of coding professionally. He immediately picked up on C2's syntax and helped me sort out calling a function, passing a long a variable, and having it affect a specific enemy. This cut down my code by at least 10 events! My friend explained how it would be a lot less "expensive" than how I had everything before.

    Things are moving smoothly now. All enemies are functional, player is 90% functional (just needs a death animation). Art for the demo is mostly done (just need enemy art). I've sketched out the entire first level design and plan to start laying out the basics in the new few weeks.

    // Name change //

    I'm going to change the name of the game at some point. "Tomorrow" is just too vague and a poor marketing choice IMO. It is what we originally called it back in 2004, but it just doesn't make sense to anyone who doesn't have a connection to that time period. I was thinking something like "A Small Robot Story" but that's probably too cutesy

  • I love a good post-mortem but am definitely bummed to see depressing news.

    Regardless, this is a must-read.

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  • Welcome back! Stoked to see more updates.

  • LOVE the silhouette against color backgrounds.

  • Borgi Having the player jump (maybe .5 of the actual jump strength) is a solution I'm considering. Thought I'd post to see if there were any other/better solutions. Thanks!

  • Looking to get proper player kickback when taking damage. I've got the flash to work properly. I just want the player to pop up in the air about 20-30 pixels. Thought I had a good solution until I got hit by an enemy bullet near a ceiling and it pushed me through, ignoring the collision.

    GIF of issue in action.

    Code. That highlighted bit is what is wrong. I know it's wrong. What can I replace it with?

  • I think I saw this in a past thread. Glad to see you're still working on it

    By any chance will it support SpriteFont?

  • Level 1 design for my demo. A sketch (obviously). I'm ironing out a few more issues (adding families to existing events, smooth transitions) but then I'm going to start laying down the basic objects for the levels so I can test them and see if it's at all fun. I'm also considering changing the name of the game since it's pretty vague.


    I spend a ton of time digging through the forums and I constantly run in to those long threads about how C2 needs a native exporter or some such. They all sing the same song and, to be honest, it almost made me ditch C2 entirely the first month I picked it up. I personally don't have the knowledge or experience to make a solid judgement on the issue. But I made my first *completed* game this weekend for Ludum Dare 33 and I had a blast. So I'm liking C2. A lot. I'm just curious if there is the opposite crowd out there. Plugging away at their games and enjoying it and generally seeing success with what they're trying to accomplish.

  • For that i'm asking for a plugin, something easy to customize/config with all the logic "invisible" on you only need to setup some properties/parameters and config some events that can't be done in the other way. Something that everybody can get working in a few minutes with low skills like me

    Well consider me on board for requesting this plugin as well!

  • Kyatric made a tutorial game+videos on making an RPG dialogue system using XML+SpriteFont. Check it out here.

    I gave it a try but it was a bit over my head. I'm going to go back to when it when I'm a bit more familiar with some of the code in it.

  • jack05282 Thanks!

  • Cool!

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