bclikesyou's Forum Posts

  • Music theory will help. I've been playing and writing music for 15+ years and theory still gets me out of ruts.

    That said, there is an ios app called "Autochords" which is super helpful in setting up a decent chord structure based on feel/mood. I use it for a lot of my game compositions.

  • Level 1 - Screen 2

    All my collision / enemy / obstacle objects are hidden. Straight up tiles! Single pixel lines are from being zoomed out. They go away when zoomed in.

    Toying with the idea of making prints of my tilemaps. I <3 <3 <3 tilemaps.

  • Loving the 8x8 sprites! Gives me some serious Pico-8 vibes. Diggin' the scanlines too.

    Stoked to see it finished!

  • Okay I figured it out!

    For my collision objects (purple), I needed to have the origin point set to the upper left.

    Then with my grid set at 16x16 with snapping on, everything lined up perfectly!

  • My tiles are 16x16. My grid height and width is 8. I'd like my tiles to snap on increments of 8 rather than 16. All my objects/sprites do, but not my tilemap.

    The issue is I lay down solid objects for collision and then use a tilemap over that. I'd prefer to use this method. With my tiles only being able to snap at 16, it causes issues when I can lay objects out at increments of 8.

  • dheart88 Thanks!

    No demo yet, but soon! Starting level layout any day now.

  • Just tried it out. Great for a first game.

    Glad to see some optimism and ambition; Especially from someone who has made a game. Keep it up!

  • Really great stuff!

    Appreciate that you showed some of your workflow. I find that stuff very interesting and it's always cool to see how other people work through things.

  • Quick video of enemy particle explosion.

    Tried my hand at enemy particle explosions. It's about 70% there? I think I still need a animation underneath to kind of 'anchor' the whole event. For demo purposes, this is good enough!

  • Keycard + door system, jump-thru platforms, insta-kill gear, and life battery w/ particles.

    Just a few bugs to tweak and then I start level layout. Most of it is sketches out but I imagine it will go quickly. Plus I'm a graphic designer by trade, so laying out art on grid sounds like a dream to me Once that is set, I need to do enemy art and then sounds. Still a chunk of work, but the work that is left is stuff I've done before (music and art) so it should go quickly!

  • Keycard and door system, jump-thru platforms, insta-kill gear, and battery life w/ particles.

    Just have to sort a few bugs and then laying out levels! Demo in the next month or so.

  • Agreed.

    I also use a prefix but the random color assignment really throws me off. Would like to assign my own color if possible.

  • burningcake Thanks for the enthusiasm!

    I'm working on the demo right now. The demo will consist of the entire first level and will be free/PWYW. I'll update the first post of this thread when it's set. I'm hoping for the beginning of October.

  • The main character design is just placeholder for now. It definitely needs to be thicker and have more weight to it. Thanks for the crit!

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  • It depends! Depending on the situation, look up music licensing.

    Are they getting full exclusive ownership of the track and the ability to use it however they please? For example, could they use it for a game and then use it for something totally unrelated a year later. If so, charge more. I've charged well over $100 for a lengthy track in this case (~2 minute track).

    Or are you retaining ownership of the track and licensing it to them? Basically you write up a contract and say, "You can use this song for these projects/uses over the next X years". You can charge less (but don't have to) in this case since you still own the song and could potentially license it again once the contract is up.

    Bear in mind, I've written stuff for friends and just charged them a flat rate. A buddy just asked for a death and game over jingle and I'm doing $50 flat since it'll take me an hour or two tops.