bclikesyou's Forum Posts

  • liquidmetal Thanks!

    Worked on RPG-style dialogue this weekend. I'm now working on utilizing Kyatric 's XML Dialogue tutorial series. I managed to get a simpler / dirtier option working for dialogue but it was clunky. The XML route is definitely where I want to be, but does look more advanced. If I have any issues, I may rely on the simpler method just to get things done.

    Also met up with a friend who is working on their own indie game, Halloween Forever, and we discussed a ton of stuff. He made the recommendation that I export a single layout of my game (since I hadn't yet) and make sure everything is working so far. Upon doing so and sending it to a few friends, I found out that I still had "default controls" ticked to "yes" (I had been using my own controls) and it was possible to accidentally control enemies when using default controls.

  • Cool project you got going on here! Keeping my eye on it

  • Got the gamepad up and working. Super easy and works great!

  • Boss mechanics mostly done! Boss dashes left and right and then pounds the ground and rains scrap metal down on you.

    Placeholder sprites for now. Duration of states will change when the animations are added.

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  • Update: A Small Robot Story is now on Steam and Itch.io. Check it out!

    Hey everyone!

    Currently working on a small game called "A Small Robot Story". It's your basic retro platformer with jumping, shooting, and obstacles.

    The game originated back when I was in college and was in a band called Tomorrow is Forever. The band was actually the senior capstone project for the two guitarists. They wrote a story about two friends forming a game company in the 80's and our whole album told the story. They also made music videos for every song telling the story. You can watch those videos here. (Sorry about the poor quality. These videos were made in 2004 and uploaded to YT in 2007. Online video quality was still crap!)

    However the game that the story was about was made into a tiny flash game that was only one level. When I decided to start making games, I thought, "What better place than with the game that was never finished?"

    So here we are. I'm working on the first level and plan to release it as a demo. For the final game, I imagine 4, maybe 5 levels max. One of my close friends is doing a lot of the art (those environment tiles!) and another is going to help out with social media / any marketing that we might decide to do if we take it that far.

    Mostly though, this is an excuse to learn how to make games, visit fond memories of my college band, and generally have fun. Here are some screencaps!

    These are all the tiles being used for the first level. My buddy Jason is a great artist and I'm super lucky to have him helping me out.

    Quick mock-up of level stuff

    Boss mechanics. Filler sprites for now, but the boss will dash left and right and then pound the ground and rain scrap metal down on you.

  • :Thanks! I requested this on Twitter and you guys obviously listen

    Will be trying it out over the next week or two.

  • Colludium Got it! Makes total sense now. Appreciate the help!

  • Colludium Quick question: how did you know to use it with events 27 and 30 and not the others? I understand what Trigger Once does but I guess I'm confused as to when is appropriate to use it.

  • Colludium Ah thanks!

    And here is the .capx

  • Enemy is supposed to charge up (PreDashFace... state) and then dash. When they collide with the edge marker, they should turn around and enter the PreDash state again. When facing right, the PreDash animation will not trigger. That is the only thing not working.

    Gif of error

    Code of error

    Feel free to crit my code; I'm pretty new at this

  • ryanrybot That's a neat idea! I just played this interactive novel game for ios called "Lifeline" where the main character's gender is never revealed and their name is "Tyler" which is pretty gender-neutral. It was great reading reviews where people had assumed different genders for the character.

  • Really stoked that you're doing this for the C2 community. I'll be sure to grab a copy!

  • zenox98

    I found this thread since it is listed in the [How do I] Frequently Asked Questions as an answer for "variable jump". Since the tutorial I referenced wasn't mentioned and I found it to be helpful, I thought I'd add it to the thread for any future users.

    If updating the thread for this reason was wrong, my apologies.

  • I found MrGoatsnake 's tutorial to be the easiest and quickest way to achieve a variable jump height.

    Platform Jump Height Based on Tap or Click Duration

  • After spending a long weekend crawling through caves in Kentucky, I'm back with some work to show.

    First off, I recruited a friend to help me with art for the demo. He's definitely a better artist than I am, which is great. Asked him to mock up some tiles and background sprites (tiled of course) and he sent me this:

    At the same time, I got a decent walk cycle going for the main character. Peep that here.

    Pretty soon we'll have a bit more art, along with a title screen/main graphic and I'll start a proper thread just for the demo.