Azu's Forum Posts

  • I would love for the animation editor paste/copy function to be fix. When you copy and flip a frame, the hotspot nor action spot flips.

  • I wouldn't mind Construct with Ruby scripting instead of Python.

    Ruby? I'd perfer Lua.

  • Question, is the close really needed?

  • You meant the portal object?

    I would like an example. The best I could do was this.

  • Finish the Object folder so we can drag objects out of them.=/

  • When is it gonna be finished....

  • Do the vampires sparkle?

    Seriously, I've always like vampire movies, so I'll check it out.

  • Simply googling "Damage Formula" will get you links to different battle/damage formula's you can use in your RPGs and what not.

    For example, Poke'mon ... attdam.htm

    Oblivion ... ge_Formula

    Damage = WeaponRating * (Fatigue / MaxFatigue + 1) / 2 * SneakMultiplier * PowerAttackMultiplier *
             OpponentArmorRating * OpponentWeaponResistance
    The World Ends With You
    [code:12faskug]DAMAGE = [(Base ATK + (Pin ATK x R x T)) x SOS x EFF% x D - DEF] x (2-RES%) x P
    Even SSBB "SSBB Damage Formula"
    Useful for SSBB fangames or similar games to SSBB.
  • Awesome. Say, would it be possible to have it float4_int instead of 1?


    Original Color | R,G,B

    Replacement Color | R,G,B

    In the event editor, you would have

    Set Original Color

    Set Replacement Color

  • I do like MMF's shader system, but I wish let you combine different shaders. I kind of wish Construct has some of MMF shader system to the point of doing this.

    // Pixel shader input structure
    struct PS_INPUT
        float4 Position   : POSITION;
        float2 Texture    : TEXCOORD0;
    // Pixel shader output structure
    struct PS_OUTPUT
        float4 Color   : COLOR0;
    // Global variables
    sampler2D Tex0;
    // Megaman Colors
    float4 OL;
    float4 BL;
    float4 LB;
    float4 EY;
    float4 FA;
    PS_OUTPUT ps_main( in PS_INPUT In )
        // Output pixel
        PS_OUTPUT Out;
    	Out.Color = tex2D(Tex0, In.Texture);
    	// Do a sum of the r, g and b values, 1 check is quicker than 3	   
    	float sum = Out.Color.r + Out.Color.g + Out.Color.b;
    	// Look for the most common colors first, for efficiency, in those cases we can end the check early
    	// Based on X's standard pose:
       // Outline (106 pixels in X)
       if (sum>0.058 && sum<0.059)
    		Out.Color.rgb = OL;
       // Blue (48 pixels in X)
       else if (sum>1.364f && sum<1.365f)
    		Out.Color.rgb = BL;
       // Light Blue (44 pixels in X)
       else if (sum>1.956 && sum<1.957)
    		Out.Color.rgb = LB;
       // Eyes(29 pixels in X)
       else if (sum>3 && sum<4)
    		Out.Color.rgb = EY;
       //Face(29 pixels in X)
       else if (sum>2.537f && sum<2.538f)
    		Out.Color.rgb = FA;
        return Out;
    // Effect technique
    technique tech_main
        pass P0
            // shaders
            VertexShader = NULL;
            PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 ps_main();
    A megaman color replace shader.
    IN the event editor you'd have to replace the RGB in a single line instead of 3 like the color shader lucid(?) made a while back.
  • Awesome. I should able translate the Global to the private values of the head?

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  • I'd say MMF2 and Construct is better than Game Maker. I've always said this. Just about every GM game I've played weather it was well done or not, was buggy, crashy, or laggy. The creator failed to optimize. Besides from the MMF2 can Construct as well as the coding community tends to have and older members. The only I see that MMF2 has over Construct is it's folder system, but I think Construct will have the ability to drag objects from the objects folders.

  • Awesome is just awesome. You are really more helpful than Clickteam, They'll just say "using and extension" or advertise there website or give you a have-assed answered. Hell if you even mention another game making product, they censor it....

    Thanks newt, and R0J0hound.

    Using Davo's example, How would I get to rotate?

    Like in this image.

    <img src="">

  • Anyone? Any help at all.

  • Oh wow, a bot.