AshyRaccoon's Forum Posts

  • I totally know what's going on with the bomb, too. Notice in debug mode how the bomb's angle is always increasing further away from its starting angle?

    In other words, it's sloowly turning toward heading sideways. Your event is always moving it to your paddle X position, certainly, but.. let's say you could disable it for a moment in gameplay. You'd see the ball heading rather sideways, with little vertical velocity. Most of its speed would be going toward moving it horizontally.

    You might want to either limit its angles to -90 and 90 only, or make something custom that always goes up and down between the top and bottom boundaries or some set Y positions. I don't know what would be best.

  • Hmm, okay then. I was chasing the wrong thing, anyways.

    I managed to fix the problem where the ship spawn events wouldn't work right after losing and restarting. To fix it:

    Change your layout transition style from "Fade" to "None" in both the Event Sheet and End Events sheets.

    I experimented changing things to use simply set times, every 2500 ms, that kind of thing, and it didn't fix it.. but changing it from Fade to None layout transition works.

    (Also, totally unrelated to any issues here; it's not an issue, and it doesn't seem to affect anything in this case, but in the future: You could use a MouseKeyboard object in just one layout, and set it global. Then you don't need to place a MouseKeyboard in other layouts, and you can use it in their event sheets too.)

  • I could download it.

    I'm using 0.99.62.. for some reason this game crashed on me after 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. Except for this last try, where I could see the behavior your described. At least I THINK the ball/bomb slowed down.

    I haven't worked with "Timer", so I'm confused about evaluating Timer>0 in so many places. It appears after one second Timer is always going to be above zero.

    And I'm not sure if "Every 30000 * (1 + random(3) ) milliseconds" is actually viable or not. Maybe someone else knows?

    Likewise with "Every global('SpawnRate') milliseconds".

    I've just not tried that kind of thing before.

    Edit: As for links to Dropbox - if you put it in the "Public" folder, then you can click on the file there, and "Copy public link", and hand that out.

  • I made a program to automatically save screenshots one takes with the printscreen key. I have found it to be pretty useful for a couple of games I play. , if you're interested.

    I've also been toying with making a sort of text to speech application, using prerecorded sounds which are played together. h+ell+oh. k+uh+n+s+t+r+uh+k+t. That sort of thing. I'm using the Direct-X runtime, however, as I am calling functions with a delay. It's not exactly a game, at least, and looks like an application. :b

    It's more fun to use than the command-line C version I made years ago, and more advanced, too.

    Someone could make a simple text editor, for sure.

    I could see it being used for a paint program of some kind, too, if you don't mind using the Direct-X runtime.

  • Strange. I found "add waypoint at mouse" works, it will queue them up, but it doesn't work if I do "add waypoint at object" a few times in a row, each time with a different sprite. Same with "add waypoint at position". It just doesn't move. I assumed the example I gave would work, sorry.

  • spritefluidredux.exe runs for me too. Heh, pretty. And interesting. It's a nice effect. Even more fun to play with.

  • You might be able to use GetToken(), and NumTokens()

    For example, let's say you're storing the file contents in a global named file_contents, i.e., Global: Set 'file_contents' to File.LoadFileToString(AppPath & "file.txt")

    Well, NumTokens(global('file_contents'),NewLine) should tell you how many lines there are in the file_contents global.

    So, you could possibly do this:

    For "loopname" from NumTokens(global('file_contents'),NewLine) - 10 to NumTokens(global('file_contents'),NewLine):

    with the action: System: Set 'somevar' to global('somevar') & GetToken(global('file_contents'),LoopIndex,NewLine)

    And set your text box to show global('somevar')

    Or you could clear the text box's text first, and instead have your action set the text box's text to: Editbox.Text & GetToken(global('file_contents'),LoopIndex,NewLine) ..if it's an editbox.

    I hope I made enough sense. I'm tired.

  • fluid.exe and meshfluid.exe both crash for me as well. meshfluidredux.exe runs.

    It is fun to play with, indeed.

    [quote:33cbhmh4]what cpu/ram configs do you guys have?

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (dual core)

    4GB ram. DDR.. I forget what speed. It might be running at DDR-800 speed.

    I'm using Windows XP SP2. 32-bit, so only 3.25 GB is available.

  • I can't see the link... Could you post it again?

    Add or use a layer above your others, with the scroll rates at 0%

    In this layer, create a gradient, big enough to fill your game's viewport. The top end of the gradient is black at 100% opacity. The bottom end is white, with 50% or so opacity (or making it dark gray at 100% opacity seems to work).

    Add the Magnify effect to it. Magnification 60% or so. That should do it.

    Or maybe one of us could repost it on dropbox, etc.?

  • If you want it to go to a set list of waypoints, use "Add waypoint at" several times, such as:

    Start of layout:

    • Add waypoint at 53,200
    • Add waypoint at 125,180
    • Add waypoint at 100,150

    If you want it to go to one spot, ignoring all the waypoints you've set previously, use one of the RTS "Move to" variants.

    At least I assume that should work. The "Add waypoint at mouse" and "Move to mouse" actions worked this way.

    (I.e., on left click: Add waypoint at mouse. On right click: Move to mouse.)

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  • Very interesting.

    On 100% magnification, with the gradient set to 100% on both ends, it has a sort of "inside a tube" effect. I remember something like that in Castlevania IV.

  • Brilliant. Thank you for making this. It is working for me so far.

  • Anyway, how do I set the value of a textbox equal to a global variable?

    Add an action, Text > Set text... and for the value: global('variable name goes here')

    like global('var'), global('i')

    If it's a numerical value, do this: str(global('variable name')) or alternatively like "" & global('variable name')

  • I also get the error when trying to preview it.

    It runs if I remove the Platform behavior from the purple TiledBackground.

    If you will be using this box for collision, try changing it into a sprite, with bounding box collision. You could even make it a 16x16 sprite, or something similarly small, and resize it as desired.

  • If APlayerNum=1 then set A's animations to Player1

    If APlayerNum=2 then set A's animations to Player2

    If APlayerNum=3 then set A's animations to Player3

    If BPlayerNum=1 then set B's animations to Player1

    If BPlayerNum=2 then set B's animations to Player2

    If BPlayerNum=3 then set B's animations to Player3

    If CPlayerNum=1 then set C's animations to Player1

    If CPlayerNum=2 then set C's animations to Player2

    If CPlayerNum=3 then set C's animations to Player3

    I think you may be able to make it this:

    Set A's animations to: "Player" & Global('APlayerNum')

    or.. Set A's animations to: "Player" & Object.Value('APlayerNum')

    Whatever the variable is stored on.

    And so on for B and C.

    Set B's animations to: "Player" & Global('BPlayerNum')

    Set C's animations to: "Player" & Global('CPlayerNum')

    There might be a better way to do it all around, but I can't think of anything.

    Oh, does it need to be 'always'? Can it be 'trigger once'? Or just done at the start of a layout, or something?