AshyRaccoon's Forum Posts

  • is the place I know of.

  • Maybe something like

    Sprite: On bounce

    System: Compare, Sprite[Car].Speed Greater Than 100

    Action > Sprite: Stop

    Or maybe using "Set speed" in the car tab.

  • I haven't tried car behavior, so moving on to 2: Yes, "if key down" works like that. As opposed to "key pressed" which triggers only once.

    Hmm, actually, about 1: It looks like doing

    Sprite ("car" tab) 'On bounce' for a condition, and Sprite ("car" tab) 'Stop' for the action stops the bouncing nicely.

  • If I am not misunderstanding, it should be in the actions for the object itself? Rather than an action under System, I mean.

    "Destroy" is the name.

    Depending on what you're doing, you might also be able to use three or four animation frames for your health sprite, with the animation speed set to 0, then just change the frame.

    It would also be possible to destroy an object by unique ID or object ID, using "pick by comparison", but is only needed if you have multiple instances of one sprite object (all having the same name/object ID, I mean).

  • Have you tried "Absolute" rather than "Insertion"? It's one of the values in the Write Text action. I think it does what you mean.

  • Hmm. It appears that I didn't need the "Clear Text" actions to stop my cap from crashing on exit. Just using Set Characters by String "" on all my SpriteFont objects stops it from crashing.

    Click around randomly. After about 5 clicks, the app crashes. Deleting the spritefont stops it from crashing.

    For some reason it is not crashing on me. I tried clicking about 50 times, in different places in the window. I just downloaded it and tried it, and didn't change anything.

    However, I am seeing similar behavior to what you described about event 3, after adding "spritefont: set phrase position to mousex, mousey" to event 3. The old SpriteFonts aren't deleted, and it writes "tex" sometimes instead of "text". I am also seeing an extra "text" following the mouse cursor around, and where it is positioned relative to the cursor depends on where I last clicked.

  • I see what you mean.

    After reading your post, I just tried adding coloured outline as a family effect. I made a new event, chose the family instead of an individual sprite object, and Set Red/Set Green/Set Blue just say "There are no parameters available for the selected item" in the window.

    Same for trying the Lens effect. Its "Set Magnification factor" says the same thing.

    If I actually add it, I end up with:

    Fam_Weapon: Lens : Set Magnification factor to %0

  • Changing colors is working for me. The values seem to range from 0 to 100.

    It's under a new tab in the action editor, "Coloured Outline".

    Well.. That's with using it on individual sprites. I have not tried it on a layer.

    And I am going to use this filter a lot, I think. Thanks for making it.

  • Yeah, I found the characters don't need to be set again when the SpriteFont and Sprite are global. It's just that I accidentally was doing that, since I had it in a "start of layout" event, which is how I ran into the issue, so I thought I'd report it here.

    I sent you a PM with some crash-on-exit issues I had found, lucid. It's pretty confusing.

    I don't know if that is what you were referring to having looked into. Thank you for the suggestion on "set characters by range", though as seen below in this post, I made my game stop crashing on exit. I wrote some of this, left the forum page open, experimented, and wrote some more.

    Oh, and if you want to/need to share those caps with the developers, that's fine of course.

    Heey, nice! I was about to ask about the possibility of adding a "set opacity" option so I could make text fade out after it's written, but I see it's already quite possible.

    Like so:

    SpriteFont: On last character written

    SpriteFont: For Each Character

    ->> FontAshy Set opacity to 99

    FontAshy: FontAshy: Opacity Less than 100

    FontAshy: FontAshy: Opacity Greater than 0

    Every 50ms: FontAshy Set opacity to FontAshy.Opacity - 1

    Ooh, hey, I just stopped my game cap from crashing on exit!

    I did it by adding this event:

    System: End of application

    HUDMessageSF Clear text

    HUDMessageSF Set Characters by String "" to start at frame 1

    HUDSfontAir Clear text

    HUDSfontAir Set Characters by String "" to start at frame 1

    HUDSfontEnergy Clear text

    HUDSfontEnergy Set Characters by String "" to start at frame 1

    HUDSfontJump Clear text

    HUDSfontJump Set Characters by String "" to start at frame 1

    HUDSfontKeys Clear text

    HUDSfontKeys Set Characters by String "" to start at frame 1

    Those are all of my SpriteFont objects.

  • After making the MouseKeyboard object global, jumping and crawling works on the next layout for me.

    By the way, you can change which event sheet your layouts use, directly, so you don't need many separate ones with just "Include Event Sheet: Game events" in it. (At least in 0.99.42)

  • > I'm using a global SpriteFont, and a global sprite for it.


    > The SpriteFont becomes invisible/disappears if I do like so:...Removed it, and no more crashes.


    I'm a little confused as to what you meant in the first part

    as for the second part, if possible pm me a link to the still crashing cap

    I apologize. I get the feeling I've been saying things unclearly, a lot, lately.

    My SpriteFont object is set global, and the sprite it gets its characters from is also set global. It does not matter, though.

    In any case, it wasn't the differently sized frames in the sprite.

    I can crash a new cap on start with this event:

    System: 1Start of layout

    SpriteFont Choose Sprite Sprite 0

    SpriteFont Set Characters by String "01" to start at frame 1

    SpriteFont Choose Sprite Sprite 0

    SpriteFont Set Characters by String "01" to start at frame 1

    SpriteFont Show Text "01"

    Both frames of the Sprite are 6x10.

    It's just the duplicate "Choose Sprite" and "Set characters by string" doing it.

    Here is the cap: ... _crash.cap

    Edit: I unchecked Global on both the sprite and spritefont, and it still crashes. So it's just the duplicate choose sprite/set characters. As long as a "Show Text" action is done afterward.

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  • I'm using a global SpriteFont, and a global sprite for it.

    The SpriteFont becomes invisible/disappears if I do like so:

    HUDSfontEnergy Choose Sprite FontAshy

    HUDSfontEnergy Set Characters by String "0123456789/E" to start at frame 1

    HUDSfontEnergy Choose Sprite FontAshy

    HUDSfontEnergy Set Characters by String "0123456789/E" to start at frame 1

    which I tried only because I was originally doing

    HUDSfontEnergy Choose Sprite FontAshy

    HUDSfontEnergy Set Characters by String "0123456789/E" to start at frame 1

    at the start of every layout in my game. It was becoming invisible after changing layout.

    So I changed it to only be initialized once.

    Other than that, it works great. Thank you for making this.


    I was using 6x10 pixels for all the letters, except for one which had different dimensions. I think it was 11x10. Anyways, it was causing my .cap to crash (on exit) when I used that letter. Removed it, and no more crashes.

  • By key input, I think something like a MouseKeyboard condition, "Control is down?" is meant.

    MouseKeyboard, "Control is down?", and the control "Move Left" or "Move Right", like:

    MouseKeyboard: Player 1 Control "Move Left" is down -> PlayerSprite: Set angle to 180

    MouseKeyboard: Player 1 Control "Move Right" is down -> PlayerSprite: Set angle to 0

    For finding the object's speed, if you want to do it that way instead, what you can do is add a new event/condition, and..

    System object, (values section) Compare. Value one: Sprite[Platform].VectorX ..Less than.. Value two: 0

    In the condition editor for the comparison, you can click in one of the text fields, then double click on your player-controlled object, then go to the Platform tab, and choose "Get x component of motion" and it will add "Sprite[Platform].VectorX" to the value box for you.

    For X, less than 0 is moving left. Greater than 0 is moving right. 0 is stopped.

  • It'd still need some form of sound support, input, and maybe timers. At least, if the goal is to make a runtime on systems other than Windows. If I'm not mistaken, doesn't OpenGL only deal with graphics?

  • You're welcome.

    I think it looks okay.. but sometimes I don't notice display stretching much when it's present.

    1680x1050 widescreen here. 16:10. I got black bars at the top and bottom, and the corner markers at the corners of the visible area.

    Not related to the uploaded cap:

    I messed around with altering layer zooming and placing black bars, but it's odd. Setting the layer zoom isn't working right unless I press Z twice.

    That is, my event is:

    MouseKeyboard: On key Z pressed

    System Change display size to 640 x 480

    Set Layer "Layer 1" zoom ratio to (640/1440 * 100, 480/900 * 100)

    or even if I replace that set layer zoom ratio with

    Set Layer "Layer 1" zoom ratio to (44, 53)

    I have to press Z twice.

    The first time, it becomes 70.3125, 70.3215.

    I have an event afterward telling me what the zoom is:

    System: Always (every tick)

    Text Set text to "" & DisplayWidth & "x" & DisplayHeight & ", Zoom: " & LayerZoomX("Layer 1") & "x" & LayerZoomY("Layer 1")

    I used 1440x900 so I could test the zoom in windowed mode.
