AshyRaccoon's Forum Posts

  • 0.21

    <img src="">


    The zip contains the cap file as well as an exe.

    This makes saving those printscreen or alt-printscreen screenshots quick and easy.

    When you copy image data to the clipboard, or take a screenshot with printscreen or alt-printscreen, Screenshot Saver will automatically pull it out of the clipboard, save it as a PNG in the directory it's in, and clear the clipboard.

    It is saved under a filename like "2009-10-23 16;44;05.png". YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS. Nice and easy for alphabetical sorting.

    The "Enable" button controls whether or not it automatically pulls clipboard image data out and saves a PNG.

    When "Sound" is depressed, it will play a sound when a PNG is successfully saved.

    "Paste" pastes from the clipboard and saves a PNG. The clipboard is not emptied in this case.

    "Clear" empties the clipboard. I had to fill that space with something.

    When first ran, Enable and Sound aren't depressed by default, just in case you have image data in the clipboard right then that you don't want pulled out and saved. When you use those buttons, though, their state is saved to an ini in the program's directory.

    Do feel free to take the cap, rip it apart, modify it, use it and re-use it in projects.

  • If you need them destroyed forever, even after loading a save game, or changing layouts to another and back, you could use a hash table, and add/store keys like..


    On start of layout:

    Set global 'number' to 0

    For each family_destroyable

    • number: Add 1
    • Set family_destroyable object's variable 'id' to number
    • Hashtable: If key: LayoutName & number Doesn't exist, then add it
    • Otherwise, if hashtable key LayoutName & number Does exist, and it's 1, destroy this family_destroyable object.

    Then when destroying such a thing:

    Hashtable: Set key LayoutName & family_destroyable.value('number') to 1

    So you'd end up with a hashtable key names like, for a layout named 'Some House': Some House0, Some House1, etc.

    I suppose they'd get out of order when deleting one of the destroyable blocks.. Still, it's one way to do it.

    In short, using a hashtable to keep track of which objects are destroyed. You can then save and load the hashtable when needed.

  • I agree, too. Editing levels takes more time or work than it seems like it should.

    Being able to click/drag to add or change tiles in positions like that would speed things up greatly, I think. I mean, I would prefer it.

    A plugin or feature for this should check for square or rectangular regions of the same tiled object, and combine them into one where possible. It'd also be nice if it could stretch certain sprites (such as the ones some use for collision). Oh, and the plugin/feature ought to have an optional setting where you can choose to add these collision blocks with the blocks you draw. Maybe. Though that could be done manually, too. Also, one would still want to be able to cut out holes in the collision afterward for hidden tunnels and things.

  • The lack of a sustain meant it was impossible to get up after grabbing a ledge with my ledge grabbing code. I did try sticking an invisible solid object under the Player to trick the behaviour into thinking he was stood on the ground, but it wasn't really ideal.

    What I did before is set the player position to a point up on top of the cliff, set the animation to a cliff-climb animation which has its frames' hotspots set to make it look like the player's climbing up on top of the cliff, and the player can't move or turn while that animation's playing.

  • I didn't even know it had (sorting) options. I never right clicked in it.. I'm definitely going to use sort by name now.

    I agree about the layers. I sometimes forget and create things on the wrong layer as well. It happens to me a lot when I open other layouts.

  • I am confused by the "Sprite4.Opacity = Sprite3.Opacity"

    What it should be is just Sprite3.Opacity

    That is, try:

    Sprite4: Set fade maximum opacity to "Sprite3.Opacity"

  • You might be able to work with the object ID (Object.OID).

    If there's no other way to pick objects, you might be able to put them all in the same family, and pick by comparison, Family.OID Equal To Global('Stored OID').

  • You can click the white/black-checkered icon at the top of the window to toggle the background between light or dark checks.

  • EDIT: Okay, I see what the issue is. You have Text.Value("Var") with double quotes, not Text.Value('Var') with single quotes.

    My original post, anyways:




    "" & Text.Value('var')

    But curiously enough, even without doing that, I am seeing the text display okay. I'm using 0.99.5 here.

    Copying/pasting my event as text:

    MouseKeyboard: 14 On Left mouse button Clicked

    TextSet text to Text 0 .Value('var')

    TextAdd 1 to 'var'

  • You'll want to use 30+Random(60) if you want a random number from 30 to 90.

    I think that's right, at least. I keep forgetting if random() does or does not go up to the number entered into it.

  • The MOD object, which seems to use MikMod, supports at the very least XM and IT, and I haven't tried other formats, but its description also includes S3M and MOD.

    It (MikMod) doesn't seem to support cutoff/resonance filters, and possibly not instrument fade-out. It also doesn't seem to have interpolation on the samples.

    A mod plugin using DUMB or libmodplug would be nice. If I knew what to do, and could concentrate, I would possibly try getting one of them to work with Construct myself.

  • if anyone can tell me if you can type the nonstandard characters into constructs textboxes, itd be a start

    I don't know if it's possible. The usual Windows way - which at least works okay in WordPad, if not Notepad, or a web browser - doesn't seem to work in Construct.

    You can copy and paste them, or some of them, it seems.

    I should share a generated list of almost all the Unicode characters I made, and a Javascript tool I made/hacked together from tutorials, function references, and stuff. It'll let you figure out the alt code of any Unicode character you can copy and paste, and a ready source of the characters to copy and paste.

    The tool gives output such as: � 224, � 225, � 226, � 227, � 228, � 229, � 230, � 231

    That tells you you need to hold alt, then press 0224 on the number pad, to get �. Doesn't work in construct, but it works in Wordpad. It looks like that line can be copy and pasted, though - and those even show up with the Text object.

    Here is the tool:

    One thing the "HTML evaluator" setting in it is useful for is entering HTML like à, the kind of things the "Character Value (HTML)" setting outputs.

    Here is the HTML file containing Unicode characters 0000-FFFF, and a javascript thing to generate them: ...

    "almost all unicode.html" is the file containing those Unicode characters. It might take a short time to load/display, since it is a long file, and will make your browser load whatever fonts those characters are in.

    "THIS WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO LOAD - generate almost all unicode.html" I included just because. Once you open it, it'll simply spit out the same output that other file has, but automatically done through Javascript. :p It almost surely take a minute or two or more to finish doing its thing, making one's browser appear frozen until it's done (at least with Firefox). It's pointless unless you want to see how I did it in JS, since the other html file is the ultimate output stuffed in between HTML tags.

    Feel free to pass those around, use them for anything really.

  • If you want a whole number, use round(number), such as round(global('dist') / 5) ... xpressions has some helpful stuff on it.

    Also, when doing something like: System: Set global variable to...

    in that window, you should be able to double-click on the system object, and it'll give you a list of system expressions you can use.

    Also of note is the expression: distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)

    You can go: distance(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,sprite2.x,sprite2.y)

    or round(distance(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,sprite2.x,sprite2.y))

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  • Does it still happen if you make the channel stop before playing another file on it?

  • Construct has a built in icon editor. It changes your application/game's icon in the taskbar, and its file icon, but it doesn't seem like it affects the one in the window.

    It's in the Project tab in the lower right. Just edit the icon "Default".

    <img src="">