sort of perspective

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From the Asset Store
Easy Isometric
$19.99 USD
EasyIsometric behavior helps creating an “isometric” perspective with 2D assets.
  • I don't know if this is of any use to anybody. If it's already been mentioned then sorry! The effect is pretty subtle, but it might have its uses in some cases.

    Download link

    [edited by: deadeye]

    What it does

    Gives the screen a kind of perspective appearance. You can fiddle around with it to increase the amount and by stretching and moving the gradient you can almost get a kind of isometric like look (but your artwork will have to be made with that in mind, and it wont be true iso, more a kind of weird semi perspective sort.. or something heh). Naturally it wont work for everything, and your artwork might have to be drawn with it in mind to make better use of it. But it should work in most cases as an added touch. Because it sits in its own layer and doesn't effect your game map, you shouldn't have to worry about it effecting the actual game layout. It's just a regular stock effect and doesn't use anything that isn't already in the program out of the box. Course you could always change the gradient entirely, to cause all kinds of strangeness too.

    You can't push it too far or things get really distorted, and no, it doesn't turn construct into a 3D engine either

    Could work well with games like Zelda or Chaos Engine. Or put behind game layers, yet in front of background scrolling animation to give a curious style to regular parallax effects.

    So err yeah, hope someone finds it useful

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  • Cool, It's an easy mode 7ish effect.

  • This would work great as-is laid over a vertical shmup or racing game.

    Nice effect

  • Cool, It's an easy mode 7ish effect.

    Thanks, I thought so too Course, someone who has experience making pixel shaders could I would think, create one that does this sort of thing, but properly. Though it's usefulness diminishes at more extreme angles.

    This would work great as-is laid over a verticle shmup or racing game.

    Nice effect

    Oooh yeah! That could look really cool


    P.S. I've no idea how this would work out using something like the 3D Box. As I'm not one of those who want to turn construct into a 3D engine. But I suppose it could work ok.

  • I shall download this before it is consumed by the mediafire.

    Okay. That is pretty clever. I don't think there's a need to do a shader for that, it works perfectly.

    Although if you can think of a reason for making one (like some kind of flexibility), I could do it.

    Hm. Zelda 3. So cool. Now just layer a fog gradient on top <3

  • I shall download this before it is consumed by the mediafire.

    Okay. That is pretty clever. I don't think there's a need to do a shader for that, it works perfectly.

    Although if you can think of a reason for making one (like some kind of flexibility), I could do it.

    Hm. Zelda 3. So cool. Now just layer a fog gradient on top <3

    Glad you like it

    I suppose a proper pixel shader to do this could maybe have options for how distorted the effect is and using the same method this does where any value above black in the gradient/image used is effected by it. Then rather than having to stretch and line it up across the layout (which can become a little problematic as you can't scroll too far off to the side of the layout right now) that could be done by values in the effect.

    I suppose then too, that would allow the effect to be controlled via events? Which is bound to be useful to somebody. I suppose one idea would be a shoot-em-up, where you get a power-up to go faster, using it does the usual increase in movement speed and scrolling, but also could increase this effect a little, kinda like some sort of warp factor 8 hehe.

    I suppose another use for it, with controllable values.. Lets use the Zelda example, with the slightly off top down graphical approach. Now what if your 2D world had more than one level, say you could go up some steps to a level a little higher up. You could have the effect change the amount of distortion at the same time, say.. the higher up your character is supposed to be, the less it's distorted. It wouldn't actually add anything to gameplay, but as a little visual effect it could be kinda cool.

    I should be slapped for saying I suppose too many times.

  • Very interesting.

    On 100% magnification, with the gradient set to 100% on both ends, it has a sort of "inside a tube" effect. I remember something like that in Castlevania IV.

  • I can't see the link... Could you post it again?

  • I can't see the link... Could you post it again?

    Add or use a layer above your others, with the scroll rates at 0%

    In this layer, create a gradient, big enough to fill your game's viewport. The top end of the gradient is black at 100% opacity. The bottom end is white, with 50% or so opacity (or making it dark gray at 100% opacity seems to work).

    Add the Magnify effect to it. Magnification 60% or so. That should do it.

    Or maybe one of us could repost it on dropbox, etc.?

  • You deleted your link? Why?

    Or maybe one of us could repost it on dropbox, etc.?

    Hmm, I wonder which "one of us" should repost Lost my Keys' file in Lost my Keys' thread...


    Well, it seems that Lost my Keys may have gotten upset over this thread (even though there's really nothing more offensive than "I don't see the point of this thread" in there) and decided to edit out his other threads as well.

    Okay then, since I still have the file I'll re-up it and put it back in the OP. Hopefully Lost my Keys will come back around, I don't think anyone was intentionally meaning to offend him and he seemed like a nice enough guy.

    Edit 2:

    The file is back up in the OP or you can get it here:

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