Ashley's Forum Posts

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  • Ergh, I'm locking this thread. Seems to have turned in to "typical internet".

    I do try to keep these forums friendly and fun, but it's a difficult and very subjective job for the admins + mods to keep everything running smoothly for everyone. I think we do have a good community here, but it's not perfect (show me a perfect community on the internet ). If you have a problem you can contact the admins directly, but don't get in to arguments and please don't chime in with "once I saw someone being mean" either, since it will only further aggravate.

    Remember (this is true of all the internet) that people regularly say things they'd never say to your face. Try not to take it too seriously.

    newton: sorry to lock your thread, I hope you understand. I think there have been enough replies for you to follow up on individually. Send me a PM if you need anything else.

  • I reduce my bribe to $50 for schools or not-for-profits, but otherwise it's $100. Looks like you might have to let a legit vote happen

  • Remember to add, "if Ashley doesn't accept proc's $2 bribe, then the winner will get the avatar, otherwise the runner up will"

    Sorry! Unfortunately I only take bribes over $100.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Download Construct 2 public preview 34

    Link to release 33

    More laptop troubles sadly, but it's getting sorted. In the mean time behaviors now have actions and conditions. These appear in the event wizard alongside everything else like this:

    <img src="">

    This seems a much cleaner and nicer way of arranging things. For example, you can search through them all in one go when you start typing. Event sheets also remember their UI state, and there's a bunch of bug fixes. This build also lasts 90 days, up from 42. There are two backward incompatible changes: + can't be used for string concatenation any more, and text objects might change position when loaded in this release. See the changelog for more.


    • [Feature] Behaviors have actions and conditions (but not expressions yet). These appear in the event wizard alongside the ordinary object actions. This should be quicker and simpler than Construct Classic - it means you can search through all actions and conditions available in one go. Actions and conditions have been added to the included behaviors (8-dir, bullet and fade).
    • [Add] Event sheets now remembers UI state (scroll position & resized sections) with a .uistate.xml file, like layouts also have.
    • [Change] Test builds now last 90 days. (It is actually planned to remove the time limitation; we're still working it out behind-the-scenes.)
    • [Fix] Sprite: a delete-save-undo-save cycle on a freshly opened project could permanently delete its texture file from the project
    • [Fix] Text: inserting a Text object, saving, then reloading would move the object from its original position. This is fixed, but may cause existing projects to have their text objects offset one more time when loading with this release, but then it should never do it again.
    • [Fix] Fade behavior: showed at 100% opacity on first tick when created at runtime with a fade-in time
    • [Fix] Sprite: was sized to 200x200 on insert regardless of the size of the texture that was drawn; now is initially sized 1:1 with texture
    • [Fix] Putting SDK parameter placeholders in expression strings (e.g. "{1}") could cause the condition/action to display incorrectly
    • [Remove] Expressions: operator + no longer can concatenate strings. Use the string building & operator instead. Note this breaks existing projects which use + to concatenate strings; you need to change these to use &.
  • It is most commonly associated with the First World War to describe the area of land between two enemy trenches

    See here -'s_land - usually it refers to the land in the middle of a battle, which neither side has conquered yet, so it doesn't belong to anyone (no man).

  • Well, here you go - a competitions subforum to "Your Creations":

  • As per popular request, I've set up a forum for competitions!

    I think some users are interested in running competitions, so I'll leave it to whoever is interested. I'd recommend, however:

    • a regular monthly competition, so people know when the next one is and can plan for it (e.g. get some team mates together)
    • a "token" prize - doesn't have to be anything serious, maybe just a picture of a badge
    • "just for fun" informal atmosphere - just for some game making fun, not the kind of thing where it's worth getting upset over results or anything.

    As I said, I suppose you can arrange everything yourselves - maybe the winner of the last competition could choose the theme for the next month's. It's just for fun, so I'm sure everyone can come to a consensus on something. If you need any help, send me a PM (I tend to be pretty busy these days).

    You can use this forum for both Construct Classic and Construct 2 competitions - don't forget to specify if you want to run a competition for just one in particular, or both.

    We also used to run 1-hour competitions which were popular in their day. If you want to organise something similar on an impromptu basis, feel free to make a thread, but make sure you post far ahead enough in advance to give everyone time to find out about it too.

    Have fun!

  • Great, I'll update the installer and push 1.1 out again soon.

  • Can anyone else confirm?

  • Just trying to pin down the exact cause of this problem. I think it's another case of Microsoft issuing a security update which quietly compiles itself in to the IDE then the vcredist that's bundled with the installer becomes out of date. Very frustrating, especially since there doesn't seem to be any notice or warning from Microsoft... oh well.

    Anyways I think the solution might be this: ... C13F19BC50

    If this build had an error starting up for you, can you try downloading & installing vcredist_x86.exe from that link and let me know if the editor works/doesn't work afterwards? Thanks!

  • We used to run 1-hour competitions and they were fairly popular. So I would say there's a good chance a regular competition would be popular!

  • Is the VUPEN article actually related to WebGL? It doesn't say how they achieved it - it could be done through Flash, for example.

    I was in favour of WebGL in browsers because it would basically allow the HTML5 exporter to have feature parity with the Construct Classic runtime - you could have shaders, 3D, tints, mesh distortion, Z elevation and so on, running in the browser. People have asked for this. However, the article about WebGL does raise some very interesting and valid points. I guess it is true graphics card manufacturers never really had to consider the security of their drivers before, so they're caught out unprepared with WebGL.

    It doesn't appear you can do anything beyond crash the system or possibly read images cross-domain. There's nothing you can do at a shader level to, say, steal user data, or install or modify files on disk. So the risk seems somewhat limited - much less risky than running an unknown EXE.

    I'm also not convinced the risk is exclusive to WebGL: with browsers using hardware acceleration to render HTML, it seems with Javascript and HTML you could "attack" the hardware by creating a page that would take an extremely long time to load, and possibly crash. Also, you could probably "attack" some systems with simple javascript by running something intensive that runs the CPU at 100%. This could cause system crashes or overheat badly designed systems. This is the fault of the system designer, though. It looks like WebGL is "worse" because graphics card drivers tend to be badly written anyway (*cough* *cough*INTEL CHIPSETS*cough* *cough* oh dear me, I seem to be unwell). If you crash a driver through WebGL, it's the graphics card maker's fault. It can and does crash from time to time anyway.

    What I guess will happen is browsers might end up prompting you something like "This page wants to display 3D content. Allow / Deny".

    That's not so much a problem for an arcade, for example, but would really make it impractical to use for banner ads, site headers and general interactive content.

    So for now I guess it's lucky we're sticking with canvas!

  • Just a reminder we recently renamed Construct to Construct Classic, so to avoid confusion the book should probably have "Construct Classic" in the title.

    We only renamed a few days ago so the terms haven't been updated everywhere on the site yet, but they will be.

  • Oops, looks like I botched the build. Will get another update out soon.