Download Construct 2 release 34

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  • Download Construct 2 public preview 34

    Link to release 33

    More laptop troubles sadly, but it's getting sorted. In the mean time behaviors now have actions and conditions. These appear in the event wizard alongside everything else like this:

    <img src="">

    This seems a much cleaner and nicer way of arranging things. For example, you can search through them all in one go when you start typing. Event sheets also remember their UI state, and there's a bunch of bug fixes. This build also lasts 90 days, up from 42. There are two backward incompatible changes: + can't be used for string concatenation any more, and text objects might change position when loaded in this release. See the changelog for more.


    • [Feature] Behaviors have actions and conditions (but not expressions yet). These appear in the event wizard alongside the ordinary object actions. This should be quicker and simpler than Construct Classic - it means you can search through all actions and conditions available in one go. Actions and conditions have been added to the included behaviors (8-dir, bullet and fade).
    • [Add] Event sheets now remembers UI state (scroll position & resized sections) with a .uistate.xml file, like layouts also have.
    • [Change] Test builds now last 90 days. (It is actually planned to remove the time limitation; we're still working it out behind-the-scenes.)
    • [Fix] Sprite: a delete-save-undo-save cycle on a freshly opened project could permanently delete its texture file from the project
    • [Fix] Text: inserting a Text object, saving, then reloading would move the object from its original position. This is fixed, but may cause existing projects to have their text objects offset one more time when loading with this release, but then it should never do it again.
    • [Fix] Fade behavior: showed at 100% opacity on first tick when created at runtime with a fade-in time
    • [Fix] Sprite: was sized to 200x200 on insert regardless of the size of the texture that was drawn; now is initially sized 1:1 with texture
    • [Fix] Putting SDK parameter placeholders in expression strings (e.g. "{1}") could cause the condition/action to display incorrectly
    • [Remove] Expressions: operator + no longer can concatenate strings. Use the string building & operator instead. Note this breaks existing projects which use + to concatenate strings; you need to change these to use &.
  • Sweet .

    Cheers Ashley

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  • Wow nice! Screw the release.. I mean it's nice that I'm 2nd to reply! jk! Fixes and features sound good to me... can't wait to check it out!

  • I started playing around with Construct for the first time in a long today earlier this evening.

    I can't believe I forgot how much I loved it.

  • I started playing around with Construct for the first time in a long today earlier this evening.

    I can't believe I forgot how much I loved it.

    That's like forgetting how much you loved your girlfriend / wife. Unforgivable! Now you need to buy the devs a huge sparkling diamond ring to fund further development!

    Did you know development was on hold until you came back?

  • > I started playing around with Construct for the first time in a long today earlier this evening.


    > I can't believe I forgot how much I loved it.


    That's like forgetting how much you loved your girlfriend / wife. Unforgivable! Now you need to buy the devs a huge sparkling diamond ring to fund further development!

    Did you know development was on hold until you came back?

    feel loved. And appreciated.

    And to be quite honest a bit creeped out.

    Anyway, my friend is coming over Sunday, and he and I will open up and fiddle with Construct (probably won't actually make anything in Construct 2-- we'll probably just play with it a bit and use Construct Classic. )

    Oh how I can't wait until Construct 2 is finished.

  • >

    > > I started playing around with Construct for the first time in a long today earlier this evening.

    > >

    > > I can't believe I forgot how much I loved it.

    > >


    > That's like forgetting how much you loved your girlfriend / wife. Unforgivable! Now you need to buy the devs a huge sparkling diamond ring to fund further development!


    > Did you know development was on hold until you came back?

    > feel loved. And appreciated.

    And to be quite honest a bit creeped out.

    No worries! I creep a lot of people out! Especially when I flash outside their window.. with an interval of 0.1s for a duration of 2s

  • good good getting closer to something usable

    So it was you procrastinator who was outside my window couple days ago?

  • Another nice build. I'm gonna test it out! Thanks Ashley weee!

  • This was fast! Thanks

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