Construct Classic r1.1 released (retracted)

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Download Construct Classic r1.1

    Note: this is an

    unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.

    Link to previous build (r1) changelog

    Just a minor update to fix a physics bug introduced in r1. Hoping to mark this one stable, so let me know if you have any problems.

    Edit: build is broken and has been pulled - stick with r1 for now.


    • [FIX] Physics: objects created at runtime were flying off the screen (lucid)
  • does this fix the fact that some moving ojects fall through solid objects or is it just objects that randomly fly off screen?

  • Seems to fix my pool balls from flying off in all directions at startup! Cheers Lucid!

  • does this fix the fact that some moving ojects fall through solid objects or is it just objects that randomly fly off screen?

    there is a fix in the changelog for r1 that fixes some problems of objects moving through eachother. if there are more problems with that, especially if you can narrow down situations when it happens, please report the bugs

  • I don't know if its the build or just me, but the r1 worked fine. r1.1 gives me the error "the application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect". Just thought you would like to know.

  • I don't know if its the build or just me, but the r1 worked fine. r1.1 gives me the error "the application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect". Just thought you would like to know.

    try redownloading and reinstalling, it's working for me and apparently procrastinator. and the change to this version is very small and shouldn't have caused any issues, definitely none if you're not using physics

  • > I don't know if its the build or just me, but the r1 worked fine. r1.1 gives me the error "the application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect". Just thought you would like to know.


    try redownloading and reinstalling, it's working for me and apparently procrastinator. and the change to this version is very small and shouldn't have caused any issues, definitely none if you're not using physics

    Already did that. I just reverted back to r1 fro now. My next project won't be using physics much anyway.

  • so it crashed only when you were using physics, or with any preview?

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  • I can't launch this version of Construct. Appears the following error:

    Unable to Execute file:

    ...........\Scirra\Construct Classic\Construct.exe

    CreateProcess failed; code 14001

    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    Before installing Construct Classic r1.1, I uninstalled Construct 0.99.97 that worked without problem.

  • I'm getting the same issue here. After installation trying to run "Construct.exe" it gives this error:

    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.[/code:119cktdq]
    I think that construct's registry settings may not be getting installed correctly by the installer or at least just in xp.
    I just copied the plugins folder over to an install of r1 to have the fixed physics.  No issues there.
  • thank you for updating.



    <img src=""> (

    I can't run r1.1. and previous version worked fine.

    "?? ????? side-by-side ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?????. ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? sxstrace.exe ??? ??????."

    (Can't run application because side-by-side "??(??)(composition, constitution)" is wrong. If you want more information, see event log or use sxstrace.exe Command line tool.)

    ?maybe wrong traslation because I'm not an English native.

  • Oops, looks like I botched the build. Will get another update out soon.

  • Ashley said his laptop is down again, so for anyone who wants to use this latest build, instal r1, and copy this file into construct/plugins/runtime and overwrite will be equivalent to r1.1

  • Why create a new version if it's only one fix.Why not just bring out a patch?.That way we don't have to download the whole program and install everything again.

  • I suppose so people who don't have it yet don't have to do two downloads. Also, the link I just gave is tiny, and the same as patching it

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