Lander's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • I can't launch this version of Construct. Appears the following error:

    Unable to Execute file:

    ...........\Scirra\Construct Classic\Construct.exe

    CreateProcess failed; code 14001

    This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    Before installing Construct Classic r1.1, I uninstalled Construct 0.99.97 that worked without problem.

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  • Hi there, i'm Lander, i'm from Chile and i found this software by recomendation of a friend.

    First, let me say: Nice job guys!. This is a great "game maker" engine, very powerfull, and a big alternative to Game Maker. But, let me ask some questions:

    1. The top of the forum says "Scirra, home of Construct, the free open-source game creator", and you are planning to sell licences for Construct 2. Simply I don't get it, I choose Construct instead of Game Maker because it's free, open source and very powerful, but now i have to find another alternative because i don't have money to buy a license. Please don't get mad, i will still using Construct instead of others free alternatives to Game Maker, but, there are plans to sell licenses or will be an alternative to use Construct 2 free?

    2. There are plans to still developing Construct Classic? I assume that Construct Classic will be open source and free, but now you are focused in Construct 2, so, is still in development?

    Well, nothing else to say, keep working on this great piece of Software guyz!



  • 2 posts