Arima's Forum Posts

  • If you have two on start of layout conditions, they run one after another. That can be helpful if you want to create objects and then manipulate them (as objects are not fully created until the next base level event).

    If you're having problems, you can always use a variable to delay the action momentarily instead (if var ticksSinceLayoutStarted = 2, do events that would have been in the start of layout event).

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  • When people pose these questions I see replies saying that C2 is a powerful tool and can handle any 2D game, but I never see an actual comparison to similar software. Is C2 objectively as good as the likes of game maker and stencyl? Sure, using C2 incorrectly leads to poor performance, but if game maker can handle it (for example) then that makes game maker a better option for a beginner. I understand that it's hard to be unbiased when you've already invested in one game engine, but I can't find a genuine comparison of the options for making a 2D game.

    You can't really write a completely objective answer to this question because which is better is mostly a subjective thing. Yes, game maker's logic may be faster, but if C2 is more than fast enough already - which on PC it is for pretty much any game - all that extra speed is unused. The much bigger difference between the softwares is the workflow, such as typing code vs creating events. And in that matter, I vastly prefer C2 - and I say that as having tried many different tools, including GM, before having found construct.

  • Fimbul - that's a bit extreme and unnecessary. It's been publicly pointed out in this thread that Nintendo has a forum for support.

    The 3ds is doing well even if the wii u isn't, and even if they can't salvage the wii u - which they actually did a great job at e3 with it - Nintendo has plenty in the bank to survive.

    Besides, if C2 ever gets the ability to export to export to ps4 or xb1 it's likely they'll have similar setups with NDAs and their own systems for support as well.

  • Not really, no. You could use some math to calculate the effect on the ball's speed and trajectory and set the speed and angle of movement of the bullet behavior, but that's all I can think of.

  • The bullet behavior has the ability to bounce off solids. That will be far less CPU intensive than physics.

  • This is an English speaking forum, please stick to English or provide a translation with your post.

  • This is an English speaking forum, please stick to English or provide a translation with your post.

  • Arima

    Are you willing to share some simple example capx with your solution?


    No, because that's the point - the capx is not simple because the problem is not simple. Even if I did supply it, my method is far from comprehensive and I'm trying to come up with methods to fix the blocked paths problem too - and really, I'm probably going to just have to fake it somehow because of how complex it is.

  • As Ashley said, this is a very difficult problem, especially to solve for everyone's games which behave differently. I've got units pushing out of each other in my game with physics, but not only was that difficult to get working, it doesn't solve a lot of problems like paths blocked by units (not to mention being quite CPU intensive).

    Ashley - I hope my suggestion here hasn't been forgotten. If we could define the area to update for the pathfinding plugin it would really help us to be able to change the map without pauses from regenerating the whole layout, which is almost always unnecessary.

  • C2 can make that game. I haven't played all the 2d Zelda games, but a link to the past for example could be made in C2 as well. Really, c2 could be used to recreate almost any 2d game ever made.

    • Post link icon

    Okay, let's not start throwing insults.

    Ashesh, space blaster is a pretty simple game. It wouldn't take too much work and would be more fulfilling to make your own. Give it a shot.

  • Valerian - Actually, C2 already automatically recycles instances so you don't have to to do any of that manually or worry about garbage collection. From ... javascript :

    [quote:1k879041]Further, Javascript is a garbage-collected language. That means creating objects allocates memory, but the programmer doesn't say when it's released. Instead, the browser occasionally decides to search for the bits of memory which are no longer being used, and free them. That's called 'garbage collection'. Unfortunately garbage collection can take a lot of CPU time, and even cause your game to become noticeably jumpy, or even regularly freeze up momentarily! That's very annoying for action packed games. There are ways to work around this, but it can be difficult to factor this in to your own code. But don't worry! We've already optimised Construct 2's engine to create very little garbage. Even destroying and later creating a whole object doesn't leave the old object as garbage - it's recycled. So your games should very rarely have garbage collection pauses.

  • There is no mip-mapping, no possibility to launch the games at different resolutions.

    C2 has scale modes and does have the capability of switching resolutions. It also automatically uses mipmapping - although perhaps you mean using it in a different way than I'm thinking of? C2 uses them to make downscaled assets look sharper.

  • fongka2 - that's not true (about the lag - c2 is mostly single threaded though). There's an idea that's getting traction that every tick is performance intensive. It's not. At all. What other actions and conditions you do every tick can be performance intensive, but using every tick, by itself, is utterly negligible. Stuff like moving, rotating or scaling sprites are just fine to do each tick.

    Technically though, scofano, as I understand it the first is best, but by such a small amount I doubt you could tell the difference even doing it a bunch of times over a project.

  • > Waiting 0 seconds will run at the end of the current tick, which may be good enough for what you are doing. Waiting for 'dt' will wait possibly two ticks due to imperfect timer accuracy.


    Ashley, please read my How do I post, I'm very keen to get this fixed, please reply to it D:

    Please don't post in unrelated threads about your problem. Also, you need to have more patience. It's only been a few hours since you posted. If no one has replied in 24 hours, feel free to bump your thread, but don't expect an instantaneous answer. Some people are sleeping, some people are busy doing other things. Patience.