Is Scirra's "Space Blaster" Open source?

From the Asset Store
10 Orchestral Soundtracks / ~2 mins each / 11 audio clips in total

    "Space Blaster" is an template provided in Construct 2 , I want to ask whether any of the following statements below I can do.

    (Redestributing means I want to sell the game for some amount)

    1. Can I redestribute the game with my name in original form.

    2. Can I redestribute the game with my name with Scirra credits in original form.

    3. Can I redestribute the game with my name with some editing.

    4. Can I redestribute the game with my name and Scirra credits with some editing.

    Ashley I need your quote here.

    Why would you possibly want to sell a game that is available for free with Construct 2? No, I do not believe this can be allowed, since users will think it's a scam if they had to pay for something they could have got for free somewhere else.

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    Ashley Are you not allowing me or you are tying to advise me not to do so?

    ashesh - you are not allowed. In fact you are not allowed to sell any unmodified content that comes with Construct 2 for free.

    Ashley Am i also not allowed to sell "Space Blaster" By changing backgrounds and sprites (so users will not know that it from Construct 2 and its free as you don't provide extra images that i'll use)


    What you are asking is comparable to buying a game like COD, GoW or any game for that matter and asking the developers if it's OK to change the graphics and sell it as your own work.

    What do you think the answer would be to that?

    ... Also, why not just spend the day or two that it would take to make your own Space Blaster-style game, then sell it as your own work because it actually *is* your own work?

    The questions that you are asking says a lot about your character , or lack off.........

    Okay, let's not start throwing insults.

    Ashesh, space blaster is a pretty simple game. It wouldn't take too much work and would be more fulfilling to make your own. Give it a shot.

    Isn't Ashesh that guy who pirated construct 2?

    Yeah it is:

    Whoah. Aren't you ashamed of your actions? The efforts you go through in order to steal and deceive take more effort than honest work!

    Stop trying to fool people and make your own games! I'm sure no one would mind if you used space blaster's assets to make a bullet-hell game with similar mechanics and sold it, but you're never going to get permission to sell it directly without any effort.

    Learn some responsibility, boy!

    ashesh - you are not allowed. In fact you are not allowed to sell any unmodified content that comes with Construct 2 for free.

    ashesh They don't care if you use their templates as a launchpad for your own games, that is why they provide them. But selling UNMODIFIED versions of them as your own isn't allowed.

    Very funny thread... lol

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