granpa's Forum Posts

  • To flip vertically just use a negative number for your height , sprite height *-1

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  • congratulations ,looks like you guys did a great job , I hope your game makes it. It looks like cc still has a use (long live cc).

  • use the file plugin , it has a 'if file exists' function

  • Why would you use a While in this situation ?

    A is true-->do some action


    B is true

    as long as either A or B is true the action fires so it is basically the same as , While A is true OR B is true

  • I would give a variable to the bullets (hitflash)and name each according to the hitflash animation you want.

    bullet hit player : spawn hitflash

    ...........................hitflash set animation to bullet.hitflash

    just a thought !

  • Give this a read .


  • Works great on r227

  • [quote:3un0jqmw]Scale rate

    Change the rate at which the layer zooms if scaling is applied to the layer or layout, a bit like parallax but for zoom. A scale rate of 0 means the layer will always stay at 100% scale regardless of the scaling applied. A scale rate of 100 means it will scale normally.

  • How about player_orientation <> -1

  • I don't know how you are controlling your enemies , but you can invert the Is on screen condition and then disable the behavior if the condition is true .

  • when in doubt read the manual ,

    [quote:2phuxic6]choose(a, b [, c...])

    Choose one of the given parameters at random. E.g. choose(1, 3, 9, 20) randomly picks one of the four numbers and returns that. This also works with strings, e.g. choose("Hello", "Hi") returns either Hello or Hi. Any number of parameters can be used as long as there are at least two.

  • > clamp(yourvalue,minimum,maximum)

    > I don't know what yourvalue is.

    > Its part of the question that you have to provide.


    I mean where to put clamp at systemor at the sprite

    sprite>rotate clamp(self.angle,50,150)

  • You might want to look into using Lerp , it will let you move to a distance based on time .

    player>set x to lerp(self.x,touch.x,time*dt) ,where time can be input from a distance calculation.

  • Are you using the "Is on screen" condition in your enemies events ?