Try this : ... reen-sizes
Are you making the rain on the same layer as the player ?
I think you need a license for multiplayer games ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Your welcome . glad I could help , you could also use this system to add a border around a grid of objects .
[quote:hdatjvtr]Set angle
Whether or not the movement should also affect the objects angle. 360 degree (smooth) will always set the object's angle to the current angle of motion. 45-degree intervals will set the object's angle to 8 possible directions. 90-degree intervals will set the object's angle to 4 possible directions. No means the behavior will not set the object's angle at all, which is useful if you want to control this yourself with events (e.g. to make the object point towards the mouse cursor).
I edited my post
You can do this easily with events !
system--->For "y"=1 to 10 system---> create sprite on layer 1 at loopindex("x")*32,loopindex("y")*32
system--->For "x"=1 to 10
floor(random(0,2)), int(random(0,2))
these also work
Nice and simple , Good job .
[quote:2v2y01r5]In what order exactly is the event sheet in C2 executing things?
Is it on the top layer , need more info then you provide , maybe send your capx
Rotate toward angle
Rotate the object a number of degrees toward another angle. If the object is close to the target angle it will not overshoot (it will end up exactly at the target angle).
Try this instead of setting your sprite angle
There is no bug , you are spawning the bullet on your background layer which has a different parallax setting , i changed it to spawn on the same layer as player and all is well . also you need to change bullet angle when shooting from right side to make everything work right.....perhaps a little more time with the manual !
> Let me see the code, and maybe i can help you. > Shut the [MODE EDIT] up, you know nothing. Get lost , biatch
> Let me see the code, and maybe i can help you.
Shut the [MODE EDIT] up, you know nothing. Get lost , biatch
He was offering to help I hope nobody does !
[quote:2ngn7tg9] If it can still help answer people's questions what does it matter how old it is?
Exactly..............Hipparchus (father of trigonometry) would surely agree !