granpa's Forum Posts

  • When ever I test a new Engine , I replicate something from my Engine that I'm using and then note the differences . Personal preference plays a large role and everyone has things that encourage and nags at them , Construct 2 is not perfect but improving all the time..........try it , you might like it...

  • for ""=0 to array.width...>array.set at((loopindex),loopindex)

  • granpa's code (almost) does it (brackets were in the wrong place):



    oops.....I wrote that at 7 am my time on memorial day morning with one eye shut......

  • go to the store page and look under downloads , your file should be there

  • Don't forget that cc allows you to make custom collision masks for your sprites and use that mask on all animation frames .

  • I remember something for two square objects.....x=(square1.x+square2.x/2)...y=(square1.y+square2.y/2) , could be usefull

  • you need two variables , lets say , makewave and count .

    makewave=1.........................create object at(whatever)

    every 0.5 secounds...............add 1 to count

    ...................if count = 10..... >makewave=0

    you still need to trigger the makewave

    this will create 10 objects 0.5 seconds apart until count reaches 10

  • The system is triggering your loop every step

    you need a trigger


    system>on start of layout

    .........>repeat 10 times............>system create sprite on layer 1 at(floor(random(100,500),100)

  • Looks good , would help on menus .

  • [quote:1fmuwsza]clamp(x, lower, upper)

    Return lower if x is less than lower, upper if x is greater than upper, else return x.

    sprite set x clamp(mousex,100,700) and same for sprite.y , makes it easy to contain a mouse controlled sprite movement .

  • Have you tried ;

    On any touch start

    is touching object

    on any touch end

    Is touching object

  • sprite.drag&drop >is dragging............sprite >set x to clamp(self.x,10,800)

    ..........................................................sprite >set y to clamp(self.y,10,600)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You have a $20,000 budget ? Well get Buildbox , it's only 2600$ . Just add graphics , stir , and instant game .

  • [quote:1eukydda]Is overlapping another object

    Is overlapping at offset

    True if any instance is overlapping any instance of another object. The collision polygons are taken in to account if set, as well as the object's size and rotation. The 'offset' variant will test for an overlap at an offset from the first object. For example, testing for an overlap at an offset of (100, 0) will temporarily move the object to the right 100 pixels, test for the overlap, then move it back again.

    On collision with another object

    Triggered upon the first time any instance starts overlapping any instance of another object. The collision polygons are taken in to account if set, as well as the object's size and rotation.

    This should help you out .